
I thought that Eddie was Damien from Mean Girls and yup, that's him! I'm looking forward to seeing the role he plays this season as I'm sure it will be hilarious.

Ugh, this show is facing the same problem The Big Bang Theory is for me which is that when a character becomes so obnoxious that I start to like all the other characters less for willing to remain friends with them.

If watching this gave you some old school hankering for Julia, Amazon Prime Video has the first season of The French Chef available for free:…

Yes, but some of the finest examples of historical woodworking craft are in historical English houses and museums.

Was anyone else expecting, when Gina was consoling six-drink Amy, that the glass was secretly full of vodka and that seven-drink Amy turns out to be secretly awesome? I think that would have made a great capper on that storyline and I'm surprised it didn't go there.

Ron's extreme Xenophobia in the London episode seemed extremely tonally off and soured me on the character quite a bit. For a man who seems to fundamentally respect knowledge and history, having him act like a close minded child was disappointing.

You mean this thing is 30% less scripted than the average reality TV show?

James Franco finally got that kiss he was pining for from This is the End.

And I'm hoping they pull a Before Sunrise and have Valerie attempt to make a comeback every 10 years or so until she's old and decrepit.

Was the implication also that she has Girls and New Girl completely confused in her mind?

A C???

I, for one, deeply enjoy your posts and hope you keep going!

But there's no way for Andre to provide their children with the real experience. As much as there's a romanticization of his deprivations, to actually provide that to his children would be tantamount to child abuse.

Did anyone stop to consider that maybe Aaron's problem was that TWO MANY COOKS were there to SPOIL THE DASHI?

Yeeees CarbonYeti, everything stinks.

I think molecular gastronomy currently is like where CGI was in the early 2000s where you only really take notice when it's egregiously bad. Appropriate uses of it tend to slide into the background.

Jake better be taking notes on that soup dance if he ever wants to accomplish his goal of owning the fastest growing non-poultry, non-coffee franchise in all of Southern California.

Salon turned into a hardcore sex channel so gradually, you didn't even notice!

It was a bit confusing for Danny to stand for honesty just a couple of episodes after it was revealed he'd been hiding an entire major part of his past the entire time. Did everyone in the show just forget about that?

What was up with the establishing shot of this episode being a subway entrance promoting "The Internship"?