
Excuse me, I believe Parks and Recreation already had a festival, and the effort forced Leslie to work with the Wamapoke tribe, with hilarious consequences.

Indeed, as I was grinding myself through bingeing on HoC, I often amused myself by imagining that HoC and Veep were set in the same world and that Jonah would be popping around the corner to deliver some piece of news from the President to Kevin Spacey.

This episode didn't make a huge impression on me when it first aired and it wouldn't have topped my list of best episodes but, rewatching it, it seriously has the highest density of quotable lines of any episode. I never realized how many of the lines I say today come from just this one episode.

Yes, I would rate it as, quite above average.

I am loving the Holt is funny to everyone outside of the 99 runner they are building in!

I feel like Girls is wonderful at sharply observing the bohemian side of New York but becomes painfully infantile when showing the corporate machine.

This from a show featuring a low rent Maebe Funke and a low rent Jim from The Office.

14.3 Million Dollars of stock options? Hello, rich people? Troy is joining you. No, he will not hold!

The ewoks would have used naturally growing trees which are much sturdier than telephone poles and winches and pulleys would make lifting the logs doable.

Actually, the Windy City was not named after weather conditions but because of the hot air bellowing from the local politicians. Chicago is not significantly windier than other large cities, making the above conversation perfectly legitimate, thus adding yet another layer to the joke.

I thought the house party scene was great. I've never seen the classic "nice guy who is in love with the Manic Pixie Dream Girl who is dating an asshole" scene from the perspective of the asshole before.

It continually stuns me that chefs enter the finale with no desserts up their sleeve. If I were a top chef finalist, I would come into the finale with a half dozen rock solid desserts up my sleeve, each of which has been tweaked to death in the intervening months. It's not like desserts haven't come up as a major

Yes! Girls successfully captured the possesses-elder-relatives-who-use-citrus-as-a-signifier-for-happiness demographic.

Actually, sushi refers to the vinegared rice and sushi doesn't have to contain raw fish. In Japan, it can contain cooked meats, vegetables, egg, all sorts of things.

I was convinced the final reveal would be that Mindy was pregnant with Josh's baby.

To kill parasites.

To kill parasites.