Shake Your Boudin

Only allowing people in vehicles to be served by a restaurant at certain hours is discrimination to those who are unable to drive a vehicle because they are part of a protected class.  You’re intentionally obfuscating the point and being argumentative for the sake of being argumentative. If you want to debate the

They could walk.  Literally the basis of the suit.

I think it’s less about “using the drive through” and more about restaurants having two different sets of hours based on one’s ability to operate a car, thus relegating an entire group ineligible to be accommodated during those hours even though they’re part of a protected class.  Dick. 

Ah, the famous “one for the dong”

A food writer I generally respect went on a big rant about how people shouldn’t complain about the preamble before recipes (“just scroll down”). I was kind of confused by how much she emphasized the importance of that kind of thing before I realized that what she was talking about (the articles associated with recipes

I mean, LA clearly cares about NFL football. Just not necessarily about Chargers football (or the Rams necessarily either, judging from all the red at yesterdays game). But the owners don’t care who the people sitting in the stands cheer for. They paid for tickets, parking, probably a lot of beer and stuff, and their

“pay to build us a new stadium or we’re moving to LA.”

If you contracted the Chargers, their good players could go to other teams with better medical staffs.

I have the 1964 edition. (I was born a year later, so I clearly didn’t buy this book). It has great stuff in it like how to cook a beaver tail. I mean an actual beaver, not the doughnut type thing.

Yep. Not huge on the stars-and-stripes interior (too busy, IMO), but the basic Curly W is simple, effective and gorgeous. Except when you’re on your way to a Nats game in Chicago wearing a shirsey, stop at a Walgreens in Wrigleyville and someone asks you for assistance.

In the course of my life, I often find myself in rooms with, and being cordial with people who I deeply disagree with on things. I don’t constantly tell them to fuck off and punch them in the face.

250000+ civilians dead because of his daddy issues and the guy gets an art installation in DC where he’s displaying paintings he did of soldiers who fought in the illegal war he started, wtf?

Man, you have your finger on the pulse of the modern left.  We are constantly looking to James Carville for guidance in these troubling times, so anything that lessened his stature would be pretty devastating.  

Oh man someone call 1996, they’re gonna blow their top over that sick burn!

One of the few unifying things between the right and the left is that neither give a fuck about James Carville in 2019. 

Honestly, I get why the country elected Trump. I mean, I think it’s vile on every level, but I at least understand the twisted reasoning behind it. But I will never understand why so many people are so anxious to rehabilitate this guy who presided over 8 years of dread and misery. How do you forget how repulsive it

Where is all that money now if it’s not being spent on legal fees? Maybe she’s too busy paying her other lawyers in her federal court case.

Where is all that money now if it’s not being spent on legal fees?

I trust you, as you are a Legit News Outlet.

I don’t know, maybe wait until we find out if this guy is not paralyzed or dead before mock him?  It was a dumb thing to do, but so is posting a clip of an accident that could be someone’s death.  I expect better from Deadspin.