Shake Your Boudin

You can also get a pizza mod (there are 2 on Amazon) and make wood-fired 700-900F Neapolitan style pizzas. The brands are PizzaQue and KettlePizza (the original which is much better constructed and US made but pricier).

You can also get a pizza mod (there are 2 on Amazon) and make wood-fired 700-900F Neapolitan style pizzas. The

If you think that’s impressive, you should see the size of the collection of beer and liquor bottles in my recycle bin.

My Weber has got to be at least 20 years old at this point (it was my parents’), and it still is going strong.

My Weber has got to be at least 20 years old at this point (it was my parents’), and it still is going strong.

They complete the heist and return to the hideout to split the loot. The shadowy lead figure that bankrolled the whole job is there. No one has seen him as of yet. Everyone collects their share and leaves. Seth “The Mouth” Rogen turns around before leaving:

Rugged individualism is hot garbage invented by rich, straight, white men to provide an origin myth for their power and success so that they don’t have to be faced with the truth that they arrived where they are by standing on the necks of people of color and women.

Plus there’s that whole racist/sexist/xenophobic/homophobic/transphobic thing.

I hate the myth of rugged individualism because it makes people selfish and think people who are struggling are not trying hard enough. Not everyone has the same access to resources. Some places are closed to people. Honestly, working hard does not always mean you’re going to become a “success.”

I’ve never understood the following that drippy skinny patties have. Like...80/20 is drowning in grease, and skinny patties don’t have much substance to me. IDK. ++ on the bacon fat thing though!

This is absolutely the trick, imo, and why I prefer almost any place with thinner patties (multiple per burger) to “pub-style” ones. The sear/char on the burger is one of, if not the best part(s), so the more of that you get, the better.

Medium is hardly “undercooked.”

Also, make your patties thin. If you want more burger, cook 2. That way, you get more crusty, seared goodness, and you don’t get a tough interior from having to overcook the meat.  

Deadspin has a responsibility to keep its readers up to date about fast-food family feuds, IMO

Trigg Adams, Sanders’ grandson

OH GOD BOTH OF YOU SHUT UP! I had a healthy lunch.

Important development: try it on a fried egg and bacon sandwich.

That is pimento cheese without the pimento. 

Oh hi! As a former Texas Roadhouse employee, I have some opinions!

The steaks are a step up from Applebee's but honestly I've had a better steak at at mom and pop trucks top in the steak and eggs special. Being in North Dakota, ours is swarming with Manitobans. However, the cactus onion (somewhat spicier bloomin' onion) is solid.

The peanut thing is helpful if you have kids in your group, it gives everyone something to do while waiting for a table, and anyone complaining that they are too hungry to wait for a table is given a handful of peanuts.

Build a wall... in the Alps? I’m a dual Swiss citizen, go there every year to visit family, and this is one of the dumbest things I can imagine. The Alps are their own wall, but also if you go out driving in the mountains, you can still see shacks from WW2 that were filled with explosives so that, if the Nazis tried