Beatrice is my homegirl

When I was about eleven, my mother announced that henceforth she would no longer do my laundry. I would be responsible for my own clothing.. Bit of a problem, though. She gave me no instructions and oh yeah...the building we lived in at the time didn’t have a fucking laundry room. The laundromat was about fours blocks

Teaching her how to do something can simply mean, you know, just showing her how to use a can opener. It takes 10 seconds and is a great lesson. In fact, no joke, I remember when my own dad showed me how to open a can of diced tomatoes. Guess what, it worked, because afterwards I always could open cans and am now a

Okay, so Hilaria isn’t “from” Spain so much as she vacationed there a lot over the years with her also American born & raised parents? Is that the gist of it? Was she ever in Spain for months at a time? Did she visit over the course of her whole childhood/teen years? Go to school there ever? I’m really don’t know, I

Me before clicking on article: What is the model scout? Is it more than just an Eagle scout? A leader, a father, someone who lives every aspect of the Scout Law? Are they trustworthy, loyal, helpful, and friendly? Are they courteous, kind, obedient, cheerful, thrifty, brave, clean and reverent? Who is this model scout

My childhood crushes are all terrible people. It's embarrassing.

There’s a new movie on Disney+ based on a true story of a football player who raised his brother in college to keep him out of foster care. It was susposed to be inspiring I’m sure but I noticed the innate cruelty of the NCAA system which wanted the man to have his brother in foster care rather than accept rides or

I’m 60, we were Kennedy Kansans who never encountered Black people in our day to day. I vividly remember my parents watching Charley on the TV, and commenting ”He’s a good Negro.” I can’t imagine what caused him to pursue success in that genre, but he busted ceilings all alone. Ballsy, handsome, plus the musical

Mandatory 2 terms or 65 years old whichever comes first.

As a frenchman, I think a bit of the blame needs to be put on the chef tho.
He’s not a Great Creator of New Trendy Foods at a rich asshole restaurant in NYC, he’s the personnal chef of 2 brattyass american teenager... Read the fucking room lol, you ain’t cooking for royalty, you’re cooking for freakin nouveau riche

National Suicide Prevention Hotline: 1-800-273-8255

Not really. There’s plenty of harassment (some of it violent) in this country alone when people speak a foreign language in public. Jezebel has covered it along with many mainstream media outlets.

Ugh I hate stories like this. Yes, I get the “cuteness” of a couple of toddlers speaking a foreign language their parents don’t understand but...

I’ll start off by saying his rant was wrong.. he could have just kicked them out and kept moving.. he spazzed and said some weird shit really no reason to involve the rest of the customers waiting (a long time) for their food.


I was listening to the directors commentary of Knives Out, and I think it was Rian Johnson during the scene where Chris Evans is in that restaurant with Ana De Armas and he said something like, people keep asking me where did I get the amazing sweaters that Chris wears in this movie. You don’t want the sweater. You

There’s so much to unpack when it comes to Americans deciding that other countries should overthrow their governments because we somehow know what’s best for the people of another nation? That’s just a new brand of colonialism, and it’s gross.

Arlie Hochschild coined the term “emotional labor” and clarified her thinking around its use in this article in The Atlantic. While she originally meant managing feelings for a job (flight attendants, expected to be cheerful and calm) and agreed that the term has gained a use she didn’t originally intend, she

This response pushed my buttons, so I rewrote it.

I would have found this hilarious ten years ago, but now I’m just tired. 

Anyone else read this in their best Obama voice? :-)