Beatrice is my homegirl

Cue the BREAST IS BEST sanctimommy outrage....

Yes exactly. Not being able to nurse was, by far, the worst thing that has ever happened to me, I can’t begin to explain the trauma of being unable to feed your child. It certainly wasn’t a choice to not do it.

I would also like to mention that not all new moms “opt to feed their newborns” formula, some of us tried very hard and were physically unable to due to low to no production and/or inefficient latching.

I’m not sure why I need to pass judgement on the Tom Brady video. Speaking as a Dad of a 9y/o boy, I love it when he gives me a spontaneous hug or a kiss. I know he’s going to turn into an asshole when he’s a teenager, so I’m enjoying the hugs and kisses all I can.

a prime example is what serena williams went through when she gave birth to her daughter. even though she had a history of blood clots, the nurses and doctors ignored her when she asked for a ct scan. they finally gave in and lo and behold she was forming blood clots in her legs.

People keep seeing ‘they’re trying to stop her abortion’. And thats all well and good...but its not the biggest issue.

Ok, look...I’m an author, and I like to write and read horror, dystopian, and/or post-apocalyptic fiction. But if I sent an agent a query for a book that replicated everything this goddamned administration has done it’d be turned down as ‘too unrealistic’ and ‘nobody would believe so many people would be so damn evil’.

Fireman Sam, the children’s programme, was originally called Sam Tân which in the original Welsh means ‘Sam Fire’, a reference to colloquial Welsh nicknaming which links people’s names with their occupations, such as ‘Jones the Baker’. And before anyone asks, a Funeral Director called David would indeed be called ‘Dai

In addition to this being sexist bullshit, “firefighter” is undoubtedly the cooler name. It makes you sound like you are wrestling Balrogs or some shit.

Fun fact: Comedian Christopher Guest, who wrote, appeared in and sometimes directed such classics as This Is Spın̈al Tap, Waiting for Guffman, and Best In Show, inherited a title and became Baron Haden-Guest. He took it seriously and dutifully attended sessions of the House of Lords until they changed the rules and

Service animals have every right to be in the passenger area of a plane. A blind person can’t just have a drink or take a pill like any normal sane person. A soldier with ptsd that has an emotional support animal, yeah...exception.

We can all see how ugly this man is.

Significantly less than 50% of the US population currently gets their period. Yet, lots of stores sell tampons.

Sneaks on a Plane

She kind of did -in her email she said she’d worked with “Universal Orlando in Florida” and apparently it’s been “amazing for them”

Many Millenials at protest marches in 2017 were carrying the same signs as Baby Boomers when they marched for women’s rights and against the Vietnam War. While many older people are indeed out of touch, sweeping ageism isn’t any better than sexism. I marched last year with some of those Baby Boomers and they have been

Y’all motherfuckers can accept Gravity, an entire movie based around this concept that’s supposed to take place in our universe with our physics, but can’t accept that Leia can use the force to move like 20 feet in zero-G.