Beatrice is my homegirl

Misha was not known for ability to be faithful to his partners until pretty recently and his relationship with his wife Lisa but I volunteered at ABT and NYCB and I never heard once that he made anyone sleep with him that didn’t want to or promoted anyone based on them being his partner in bed. Quite the contrary. One

TRUE STORY: I work in Rock Center but NOT for NBC and a colleague of mine had a broken leg. One day she was struggling down the street on crutches past 30 Rock and Hoda walked out to get in her black car. Hoda did NOT know my colleague, but because Hoda is a dream, she gave my colleague her black car and told it to

1) look at how many times did that guy brag about himself in his apology letter...yeah I totally believe you’re sorry.

I fully agree with your assessment of Mariah, but if I were singing live in double negative digit weather and I was told there would be tea and there was in fact no tea I would also be pissy about it.

I...don’t get the outrage. Are we working on the assumption that every song performed by a singer is an autobiographical claim? Because that’s...just stupid. Cher didn’t write that song, anyway, ffs.

Technically, he’s Sir Richard Starkey.

Well, gosh. He couldn’t have just injured his wife. He could’ve also injured someone like a cop that would have actually gotten him sent to prison for life. I am at the end of my rope with DV cases. If men did what they did to their intimate female partners to strangers, they would face serious penalties- no question,

“94 is much, much too soon.”

France television is in the toilet, this is them trying to pander to what they think is “popular” and my taxes pay for this crap, srsly someone needs to be fired over this debacle.

Romance against the backdrop of tragedy you say?

This reminds me of Sherman Alexie’s commentary as to the ‘romantic westerns’ which were set against the backdrop of... indigenous genocide.

Betty White is still alive! Don’t say such things!

The Democratic Party absolutely abandoned these voters. When a Democratic President championed and signed the Voting Rights Act and Civil Rights Act, it turned its back on everything these voters stood for.

The Obamas weren’t invited to Will and Kate’s so why would Trump be invited to this one?

No. It’s code for “When dad left and had a second family we didn’t completely reject them. Even though they’re black! Where’s our medal??”

Dear Bono: Sit the fuck down and shut the fuck up.

I’ve always thought of it as a defense mechanism. Imagine you’re the first black president and throughout your entire presidency, people are throwing the most offensive racist shit at you. Then the loudest and most obnoxious of the whole incapable and embarrassing lot actually wins the election after you and does

It was probably serenity for him because that was the moment he was finally free of dealing with an ungrateful nation and got his life back.

He just got Mountbatten dominant genes with the Spencer red hair.

I am done with calling out the actresses on this shit. Call out the magazine, the conglomerate who owns the magazine, etc. This is not her fault. We’re playing games with women who want to help because they arent 100% perfect meanwhile people are getting away with rampant discrimination, assault etc.