Beatrice is my homegirl

Anyone of any gender who demands that you either get hitched or break up is not someone you want to marry, ever. Sorry, Ann.

Speaking as a middle-aged white person, I find tears from middle-aged white people complaining about reverse-racism really goddamn tedious and infuriating.

I worked in Baghdad (development aid worker) for a few years, and these sorts of bombings with high death tolls were relatively commonplace. By the time I left, they were increasingly rare, and I truly believe as I boarded my last flight out of Iraq that things were on the upswing. My then-boyfriend (now husband) and

I have never tried a bare foof and whilst I might end up liking the sensation, I almost certainly would not have the energy to maintain it. I barely manage to shave my legs (and I do it in a resentful and slapdash fashion) so I will keep my nether foliage as it is - vaguely trimmed if I remember, thick and full as a

Its kinda disturbing that some women think pubic hair is dirty or unhygienic or whatever.

Thank fucking god my husband doesn’t care, I would have a hard time not laughing while defending my flourishing pubes as a feminist statement.

I think it’s sad that adolescent girls find hair unnatural and are shamed for it. I am PRO everyone caring for their hair as they see fit, without shame.

Well, as someone who stopped shaving, I’m pretty sick of everyone telling me I’m unhygenic/gross/ugly/smelly and lazy because I have hair. I’m also tired of seeing dudes (who probably wouldn’t go down anyway) claim any hair on a woman is the reason they won’t eat her out.

The type to discover she’s pregnant and drive a few counties over to have an abortion at a clinic that won’t recognize her as a protester*.

Hoosier here! I listened to a story yesterday on NPR where they played the audio from Pro Choice groups in Texas yesterday as they heard the news. “OMG they struck it down!!!” The whooping and screams of happiness had me in tears. I literally sat in my car in the car port crying.

I am so bored and a little put off by all of this that I have turned my Loki bobble head to face out the window and moved Black Widow to center stage. Sincerely, I don’t think I have ever tried harder to avoid news of and became bored faster about a celeb couple in my entire life.

If people mention that McGregor is non-Jewish (though raising his kids Jewish with his Jewish wife), they should also mention that Jennifer Connelly, whose mother was Jewish, is playing a non-Jew here. Fair is fair. I’m tiring of hearing who ISN’T Jewish.

And her long-time assistant, Felicia Culotta, says that just before Spears takes the stage, “her sons get sad” and say, “No, please don’t make her be Britney Spears right now.”

Ahhh, ok.

I really do love Hiddleston - I think he’s adorable. But this smacks of desperation. I always thought he was super comfortable with himself and just enjoyed attention, as evidenced by his dancing, funny stories and impressions of other people. But this seems like a ploy to raise his status as a heartthrob so he can

I can totally see it. ‘Beige Goldmine’. Céline could be Jonathan Rhys Meyers, Sarah could be Christian Bale, Ewan McGregor could be Ewan McGregor.

As one of the signatories, I am so glad to see that Jezebel is covering this.

And they’re such a novelty for tourists. They think nothing of throwing the rest of their sandwich off a dock for the gators to fight over. Guarantee that gator was comfortable coming to shore because it was getting fed.