shaggin wagon


it’s not wise to believe “it’s ok for cops to crack the skulls of people I don’t like,” ‘cos eventually they’ll find or be given a reason to crack your skull.

Winter tires. Use them! I find myself amazed, each year, at how badly America prepares for winter. Out here in southern Finland it’s been snowing for the third month, and temperatures have kept under -20 celcius (-4 F) for a third week now. Regardless I’ve not seen one crash or even slight bump all winter long. A few

Now playing

The one at 40 seconds is my favorite...Never lift, bro!

When I lived in Philly, we once ordered Chinese food in a snowstorm and the guy came on his bicycle. We felt bad, so we offered him some hot chocolate, but he declined. As a thank you, I gave him the biggest tip I’ve ever given to a delivery guy.

It’s a Ford Taurus. Couldn’t find the exact year, but...

That was close.

So there’s going to be a free TDI Sportwagen sitting outside VW headquarters next week...

LOL, you win.

electrical turn signals weren’t widely used until midway through the 1950s.

Former Stig speaks!

Oh, she is. I should just have a “This Is What Alanis’s Mom Thinks About Today’s Car News” feature every weekend.

Mini has a winning strategy here: Shame the driver into not having any fun.

5th Gear: Come To The Auto Show!

Reminds me of the hockey stick stanchions on the Monte Carlo in Trailer Park Boys

Eat a Snickers, Ballaban.

I would like to formally protest the results of this list. Cooking hot dogs and steaks on an electric grill was not listed. And as a Texan with zero experience in white outs, I would expect that grilling meat in the roadway is a common occurrence.