
The working late/butts in the seat mentality is so stupid. If I can get my work done in six hours, why should I stay the extra two hours? I'm not getting paid extra when I stay late to finish something or work on weekends or at night. The quality of work should matter more than physical presence for all employees.

I think someone kids are just like that. On some level there is only so much you can do. You can't actually make them behave.

Another pro-lifer GOP type who values life right up till birth.

Loving all the responses referencing period costumes as if Cinderella is a historical biopic that must be set in a specific time and place.

Starred for Ever After.

that mean you don't need to juice

I knew it. See, ladies! You don't have to be photoshopped to have a disproportionately sized waist! You can just wear a corset at all times and only eat soup. Sounds grand.

I bet she is going with some alt color in a week.

I think everyone looks awesome in all of the above pictures. I think everyone should fuck with their hair all the time, as often as possible.

Meh, I wouldn't want my picture taken 24/7. I get it. Sometimes she just isn't having it.

One thing that helped me was keep track of what you eat. I recommend keeping a food diary (there are a ton of apps for it as well), although it is a lot of work. The thing is, you won't have to do it for the rest of your life, you will use it to identify problems and change behavior and then you can stop. If you


I was there last night. The entire event was great except for Nina being a fun killing scold. Probably the second best RBG anecdote was her story about her "lively" son, James. She told us how she would often get calls to visit the school for disciplinary reasons. Finally, one morning after pulling an all nighter (as

cereal is way, way better when the milk is almond milk

Have you had Bojangles? It is the fried chicken king imo

My coworker just had whooping cough, so our entire office went and got vaccinated for free (a coworker's husband is a pharmacist). No anti-vaccers here!!!!!... and then I developed a flesh eating virus brought on by the elusive vaccine amoeba. Just kidding!!!! lol Although the top part (re:coworker and whooping cough

I said it on io9 and I'll say it here. My Irish grandmother had 13 siblings and only THREE made it to adulthood because of things like measles, polio, influenza, etc. I'm not great at math but I know those are HORRIFIC ODDS.

Back in the 1950's my brother who was 7 and my sister who was 5 contracted the measles. My sister ran the course and was healthy again within a few weeks. My brother was not so lucky. He began to develop calcium deposits all over his body. Those deposits eventually also attacked his organs. His muscles began to be

Interesting that the last iteration of the vaccine was only 2 years before Roe v Wade because the similarities are striking.

Yeah, I don't like it either but honestly with what these people have gone through...if it even gives them some nutty sense of new age symmetry or whatever and they can take some comfort out of that I can't be too judge-y about it.