Gin In My Teacup

Meghan Edmonds is painful. At least Vicki makes us laugh every once in a while.

She is a siren.

OMG THE NIPPLES. Good lord. I could not look away. I don’t even know his face looks like. Probably nipples.

Until later!

I need to shower now. All of this requires a steel wool loofah.

Yeah her mouth looks like a different person’s in the bottom picture, but maybe that’s the angle?

This is what I do. I brush them straight up. And then I use tiny scissors to cut them off.

I LOVE THE BIEBS! Get amongst it!

David is a silverfox.

Yeah that’s true, they do go on about her being a little girl, which is also stupid. But she’s definitely embodying that title. And Tamra did float the information about in a gossipy way as well. I feel bad for Vicki because they’re making her defend herself and her sick partner (which is not a conversation anyone

Scary skinny for sure.

Megan really carries on about age. She mentioned age about 6 times in that episode. You can tell she had a melt down about turning 30 and she secretly loathes every birthday. It’s cringe worthy. And trying to spin it like she cared about his cancer all, “So you’re getting mad at me for being concerned??”.... shut the

Ashley’s emotional development peaked in 5th grade and she is somehow, despite being one of the prettiest women there, about as sexually appealing as a fork.

Someone else on here mentioned he looks like a toad and nothing has ever been more spot on.

Who the fuck is doing this. That’s terrible. All men should learn the “come hither” motion. Magic.

Yeah like I’m down with frolicking in the ocean, and also I find immense joy in crunching fall leaves under my shoes (I have been called cute and child-like — I reckon from having a bubbly personality and a very high voice). But she’s just a straight up cry baby with an inability to even make an effort to behave like

She’d be like

Same! I think JJ has good intentions, he just is a bit of a frat boy, but seems like he has a sweet side. It’s really too bad too because Jonathan said he could fall in love with Juelia and he’s pretty much exactly what she’s after and she could have a happy little fam, but she’s all bonkers for that massive loser. Is

Suriously. They are really reaching to the other end of the spectrum while trying to leave their child star images behind. yikes.

Hahahaha. Man. Such a toad.