Phil Salvador

I have that exact same problem! I love the world of FFVIII, but the last time I took a stab at it, it felt like a slog to get through the Dollet mission and I never picked it up again after that. But this article really gives me a push to try again because it codifies what was so unique about this entry but that I

Using on-screen titles to declare "Day 1" of jury deliberation was a brilliant fake-out. It's like even the show expected it to last longer.

Gameological Unplugged: We played with a cat and it was fun

Well, the opposite of that exists. As part of a bundle deal a while ago, I picked up one of the Kudos games, a life simulator series that deals with your interpersonal relationships and putting on appearances. I was recovering from an anxiety disorder at the time, and I didn't even think about touching that game. The

Animal OCD always seemed like the most exhausting, least appealing part of pet ownership to me. It sounds like it translates well to a game, though only because conventional game structure is very compatible with solvable representations of problems. Like you said, the totally arbitrary, frustrating side of their

I tried to think of a similar joke for Kasich, but all that I could come up with was "someone spawn-camping the doorway of the base in Blood Gulch."

There's no proof that Kai Leng grabbed Khalisah al-Jilani! Watch the tape! Sad!

That's a really neat idea about playing with the incongruity between FMV and other methods. I'm surprised that hasn't been done more often; outside of the Land of the Living in Grim Fandango, the closest thing I can think of is ToonStruck, but that's really more of a direct Roger Rabbit paean than an attempt to build

So this is more of a What Were You Playing Last Weekend, but I finally played Eldritch Horror for the first time. I am in LOVE. I had previously only played Elder Sign and was a little confused, and I haven't gotten to Arkham Horror yet, but I absolutely love the mechanics in this one. It probably helps that we had a

That's fair! Maybe the people I've spoken to have been more overexposed to it than others. I guess at least it's a different angle of interest; my age group is just now getting our first chance to freak out about why the prosecution wanted OJ to try on the glove.

Among the people I've talked with, reactions have split based on familiarity with the case. The show is extremely heavy about how the trial was a flashpoint for American culture. So for those who lived through it and suffered through the Dancing Itos in real-time, it's interesting but not quite riveting (and maybe

You want to be careful, Bret. I heard of one rapper, he chopped this guy's whole body off, just left the dick behind.

Especially with Mario, which has such a sprawl, you end up having to address things like Super Mario Sweater. But in a way, that's still true to the spirit of the feature: Super Mario Sweater is an example (albeit an extreme example) of the off-the-mark tangents the series took.

This is a great idea for a feature! I'll admit to having never played a Resident Evil game, but it seems like a great candidate to start with given the series's wide range of quality and style.

I've never heard of this format before, and this is spectacularly weird. Thank you, video creator!

Freeing yourself from that pressure is the greatest feeling. You can do it!

The Daddy-O! The Circle o' Gaiety! The Hoopsucker! The Hudswinger!

Wanna see me shotgun this pizza?

I made it all the way to Chaos back in the day and only had one Ribbon… and I never finished the game. Boo!