Phil Salvador

Replying since I now have it figured out, it looks like I'm going Friday and Saturday. I think you said you're going Saturday, so I'll be sure to wear my Gameo pin that day.

When I first played Ocarina of Time, I named Link "Linky" for reasons I can't understand (I was 7 or 8, whatever). It made the ending unintentionally hilarious.

Two Corinthians: The Adventure of Link

"A wicked man of the desert cast this dreadful curse upon me."

One-off additions to game canon like these always really interest me. There's something fun about specific items, enemies, and situations that future games chose not to plunder that makes them a little more special.

It's a weekend-long game convention/festival held in National Harbor that's coming up next weekend. It's a total sensory overload. They basically take over the Gaylord National and fill the entire thing solid with arcade machines, consoles, board games, indie game booths, and related events (panels, concerts,

MAGFEST. I'm posting that in bold so anyone scrolling through here really quickly will see MAGFest stand out. DC people, be known!

I'm continuing to burn through Donkey Kong Country 3. I think I had unkind words about it the last time, but I've seriously come around on it. It's my favorite in the series in certain departments.

Objects are made by men and used for many purposes… but we never love objects.

That's an awesome, insightful point about how fixing attributes makes you parties in to actual characters. I wonder if the free-form nature of FFV's jobs has any bearing on why its characters are less beloved – apart from never coming out in the US, of course.

For half a second, I mentally processed that as Under the Cherry Moon, and now I want an FMV game version of that more than anything.

Having never really played the Gabriel Knight series and being more familiar with them by reputation, I find your controversial opinion totally fascinating and want to hear more about why.

Yes, yes! Even with low production values and poor acting, there's still something significant about using actual video footage in the right circumstances to make characters into people. Roundabout would have been an impossible sell if not for Kate Welch's deadpan as Georgio for the first third or so of the game.

But, if you search for "Ye got some customers," you get some Handsome Pete. It's remarkably accurate.

We aren't stuff!

If I remember right, you only need a hard drive for the multiplayer. (They made the odd/creative choice of including a Halo 1-themed map pack for Reach instead of a full online mode.) Assuming you're skipping that, you should be okay.

Oh yeah, definitely start with the first one then. Sadly I don't think there was a big bundle set for the 360, but since those games sold 12 gorillion copies each, they have to be cheap and easy to come by.

If you have a 360, your best options are Halo: Combat Evolved Anniversary and the original Xbox version of Halo 2. The anniversary remake content is just an alternate set of graphics and audio overlaid onto the unchanged original game, and you can switch them off any point. Same with the Halo 2 anniversary package,

Holy shit, good answer.

That's true, I don't really know the context without actually playing it. I watched a few clips, and I see what you're saying about the environment playing into the structure of the puzzles, which I love and is definitely more than I expected! It still seems different in that it's not the driving force of the game. Mys