Did you at least see a flarhgunnstow?
Did you at least see a flarhgunnstow?
Treasure Island, Also, Werewolves
Oh god I forgot about Donkey Kong 64. It was like Rare was having a fire sale on all their most indulgent tendencies.
Yeah, I greatly enjoyed both, but Tooie was a little unfocused because of how sprawling it was. I sort of liked the discrete level approach of the original better.
Are you ready for a heartbreaker? There was one, and it was canceled.
Everyone always forgets the non-neon parts of Blade Runner Los Angeles, like people riding bikes through open street fires, or historic buildings with rotting ceilings.
"First, there has not been one physical or financial threat of harm from the Church to anyone, you fucking motherfucker."
This seems like a good time to link to an upsettingly catchy cigarette jingle remix: https://www.youtube.com/wat…
I saw this go by on the Xbox One marketplace and was intrigued but the art, but I was afraid it would descend into generic hard-boiled-ery. It sounds like it avoids that but has other issues. I'd honestly be okay dealing some of the extreme contrast in gameplay that you described (it would at least be more interesting…
[comment redacted! I was basically just hating on Tetra Master]
Yeah that's the version I want too… but it's probably not the one we'd get. :(
I think Patrick brought this up a while ago, but I'm really not sure we want the self-indulgent, visually washed-out, uneven Square the made Advent Children and all the spinoffs remaking Final Fantasy VII. I would love to see FFVII with all the modern bells and whistles, but I don't think another four hours of…
I had to think really hard about this because I tend not to play games the sort of big, sprawling games that have side-games… and when I do, I tend not to play them.
It's a very weird game and mostly unlike anything else in the series, both in terms of gameplay and story. There's no MP anymore; instead, you have a finite number of spells that you have to "draw" from enemies and various hotspots. Summons are now also much more central to the game.
George Clooney was already on The Eric Andre Show, he doesn't need to rewatch that.
Every Final Fantasy nonsense word can be a car.
What about "l’Cie"?
I never liked how many tiny moving parts Final Fantasy combat tends to have, so every word in those two paragraphs about the battle system and difficulty sounds unappealing.
FFVIII is a wonderful beautiful snowflake of a game, take it back. :(