That's Just a Font, Internet!
That's Just a Font, Internet!
Oh jeez, OCRemix! I haven't thought about them in a while. My favorite remix from their site is definitely AmIEviL's Death on the Snowfield, a version of the opening music from Final Fantasy VI. It's significantly stripped down compared to the original (consisting almost entirely of a piano and guitar), and it matches…
As the years ago on, I'm increasingly convinced that there might not have actually ever been a good Sonic game. I know the original three are beloved (except for Carnival Night Zone, but we don't talk about that), but it's so difficult to separate them from the nostalgia at this point that I'm genuinely unsure if…
There's so much else to talk about with games, but we're stuck having to explain the basis concept of criticism. I'd love to see, for instance, a comparison of how all the games in the Far Cry series treat their environments and habitats, but it's impossible when the most vocal audience's only response is "How dare…
It's weird that people take criticism like this so personally. I guess that when your identity primarily involves games, criticisms of those games are seen as attacks on personal character — especially now that kneejerk defense of violence is now part of that identity.
I was under the impression that Gangnam Style was a trailer for Dracula Untold.
Still so excited that this is even being made to begin with. I saw Pacific Rim twice in theaters and loved every second of it. I'm willing to trust whatever direction del Toro decides to take it in.
I'm away from my usual setup this weekend, but I have been playing Halo: The Master Chief Collection. There's big issues with the multiplayer (it's alright, I'm patient, and I'm not going to go into some sputtering rant about "consumer rights" because I can't kill people on the internet), but the biggest surprise has…
Next on Fox: Rose McGowan is 🙋
I never understood the Killroy bit at the end, but then I heard the whole story about how it was part of a failed dystopian rock opera. Then that made the song really weird.
Mega Man 6 is the best original-series Mega Man game. Excuse me while I hide in this blast-proof Unpopular Opinions Bunker.
Fan theory suggests Fight Club isn't really about fighting
Was Memento backwards the whole time?
Watch this supercut of characters eating the same food in different movies
Read This: How Hitchcock used cameras to create images
Student re-imagines Citizen Kane as a film
There all is aching.
I had no idea this was even a feature; that's really neat! Especially the strange wealth disparity stuff still happening in an online game.
"Beacause, you are……a sackboy"
Deafening 5.1. I recently moved into an apartment much better sound insulation and decided this was really the only logical choice.
I only played Modern Warfare 2 out of any of the games, but I also think "No Russian" is an incredible stage. It's genuinely horrifying and probably the rawest, most honest depiction of a terrorist attack I've ever seen in any media. And it only really works because the Call of Duty series normalizes carnage; this…
I'm very glad to see some vitality coming back. Halo: The Master Chief Collection has been a great reminder of how absolutely goddamn FUN shooters can be. It takes revisiting a 10-year-old game with giant pink needle guns to remember why people fell in love with the genre.
Donnie Wahlberg is truly our generation's Billy Carter.
Having never heard of this game before, my first reaction to the enslavement conceit was "Oh, well you probably get to free yourself." Games are so often based in power fantasies that it's difficult even to believe a story where your character doesn't have agency. It was the same issue with the Syndicate reboot: yes,…