Phil Salvador

Thanks for clarifying, but there's no need to be condescending about it. As I said, I really could not tell if your post was meant to be serious because it so accurately resembled the sort of insanity that some people actually say.

Poe's law is in effect here, so I'm genuinely not sure how to respond to that. I like the Kinect, I find it useful, and I expressed my thoughts from that viewpoint.

I read that as "homeowner."

It's so funny because usually when I see people defending a product they love when everyone else is unhappy with it, I make a mental note about how they're usually the exception because of their particular circumstances. This is the first time where I feel like maybe I'm the weirdo?

In fairness I'm also using a wired connection for mine. But if I were you I'd still look into getting a Microsoft-certified exorcist.

That's so weird. I have a lower speed Comcast connection and I've had no problem getting HD quality from Netflix, Hulu, or

As someone who really likes the Kinect, I hope that they continue to give it strong support at least at the level of the OS/interface/apps. I'm disappointed that we'll now probably never get to see games that use Kinect in interesting ways, but the way the Kinect is deeply connected to the interface and enhances Xbox

"Guys, we just can't seem to fix the writing? What do we do?"
"New series."

I've only reviewed 30 or so games because I'm slow and grad school and etc., so it's easy to pop around via genre tags on the side. Thanks for enjoying it! :D

Aw thanks! I'll try to update it more than every three months.

I never played it until years later on an emulator, but yeah, what a bizarre and creative thing that was. I think I loved it much more in concept than execution, but it was also because I was terrible at it.

Alright, bear with me gamerinos, it's time for some self-promotion that's thematically related to the above post!

Going along with that theme, I'd love to see Balamb Garden from FFVIII get a redux. That place was covered in the sort of vast, translucent, reflective surfaces that you probably couldn't render properly until now.


This is excellent news. I always thought Andy Buckley was The Office's secret weapon because he was the ultimate foil. He played the no-nonsense executive incredibly well, and a good Jurassic Park needs one of those.

If you've seen videos of this game, I'm pretty sure you CAN marry a toaster.

I'm glad to see some attention to Mac Classic. It always gets left out of the parade of old and beloved electronics.

The third song that starts with Homer/Austin Powers is like being trapped in an infinite Spencer's Gifts for all eternity.

I was born just outside the time that It Takes Two was popular, but the fact that it's still ubiquitous (at least in cultural references) convinces me that it was indeed excellent. :(