
As good as the first Pirates movie was (and it was good dammit) I wish it would've bombed so that we weren't subjected to Terrible sequels and Johnny Depp with a ridiculous accent for the last 14 years.

Troy and Abed on your iPhone!

Casey Wilson AND Busy Phillips!?!?! Yes they have been reading my Happy Endings /Cougar Town fanfic. Those are two of my favorite shows. And I am in love with each of these women.

No, her job was Professional Wrestler. And she was robbed that season. And I had a gigantic crush on her that season.

He was the least punchable of that squad. (I'm a (admittedly sad and jealous) Indians fan)

I'm sure Gaston thinks everyone is in love with him.

Luke Evans looksed so similar to Orlando Bloom in those movies that I thought it was just Legolas in disguise.

Maybe BvS did it in a much shittier way?

I didn't look at the by-line. Now I know why I liked the write up so much. I.V. is one of my favorite writers in the club.

I'm really liking this new album of theirs. Solid stuff. Also I am disheartened to see such a lack of love for Hello Sadness which to me is their best, most beautiful work.

The Quick and the Dead is just pure fun. A great movie.

I never saw the movie but I did own the soundtrack. So much mid-90's techno, metal and etc. It also had Juke Joint Jezebel on it. Big year for KMFDM.

Sorry, I should clarify now that I have comprehended what I read. President Obama appointed Korsmo to the Board of Trustees of the Barry Goldwater Scholarship and Excellence in Education Foundation. So not an award, but a fine appointment nonetheless.

But Obama gave him an award, so he must be alright.

Good, I can see him legitimately and then continue to focus solely on stalking you @avclub-97815cb302c2a984aac3af1ee8f68e8d:disqus.

No kidding? Were I the stalker-type I'd probably go stalk him.

I learned my lesson after this and decided to forgo seeing any of the movies you mentioned. Though I think I missed out with The Rocketeer.

Allegedly. but was he before or after Vanilla Ice?

I remember the "Batman-aping promotional blitz." that this movie received. It was pushed so hard that even 12-year-old me, that didn't even care much for Dick Tracy, just had to go see it. The Rogues' Gallery was pretty grotesque, and The Kid was annoying in that way that all precocious Kid actors are (he was slightly

Unappealing? You don't say.