
Another Great Piece by Mr. O'Neal that further proves that nearly every experience in my own life wasn't unique at all, and that Mr. O'Neal can write it a lot better than I ever could.

It's so hard (for me) to find time to play and people to play with. My group just want D&D, and hey want it to be a long continuous epic quest. Which is fine, but doesn't leave us with any options for playing anything else. Sometimes I just want to do a one-shot adventure. Or sometimes I want to use a new rule-set. I

Yeah, I don't think the DM is that great at giving us a reason to be doing anything. So we just go from Dungeon to Dungeon killing things. I just want the adventure to be over. Every time we seem to turn a corner on the story we seem to end up backtracking to wandering around again.

Sounds good. I think my library has that book. I might need to check it out and steal the idea.

Those Ravenloft illustrations are just beautiful. The newest Ravenloft Module is nice, but lacks in the art department. (Comparatively)

But is it fun? It sounds fun!

(Oddly enough your spoiler showed up in my email notification, so I was spoiled through no part of your own) We have yet to discover them. We just seem to be wandering around aimlessly. A lot of the locations we go to our DM says we shouldn't really be at level-wise, but he never gives us hints as to where we should

We have been doing Princes at the Game store for the last 10 months and it is just terrible storywise. Nothing connects. I've only vaguely looked through the module which isn't put together too well. I think the issue is partly the module, partyly the DM, and partly the too large party that plays.

My friend won the mat and this game from a cereal box. I remember playing it with him, we never actually stood and ran and jump, instead we sat on chairs and just pounded our feet on the pad.

You don't know me, but I've read a few of these rebooted Archie comics. They're not bad if you are interested in High School adventures. Afterlife With Archie and other of the "dark" comics (Sabrina) were/are pretty good as well.

Next on Great Job, Internet: All Your Base Are Belong to Us.

Listen, The AV Club has become unstuck in time.

Hahaha! Made me do a double take.

It's my favorite Indy film. And yes, yes, I know, Raiders is pretty much a perfect movie. The heart loves what it loves though.

I'll have to take your word for it.

Yeah, but an American doing a terrible French Accent.

The real reason is Jerry Orbach wanted to do a French accent.

Personality-wise,yes Gaston is a jerk to the highest degree, but Man is his song fun and awesome. And his over the top arrogance is great.

I love The Rescuers. One of my favorites. They ought to live action that one.

It's the 21st century? I thought Tuesday's results ushered in the 19th Century.