
You really should have fought the Temptation to make a Pun thread.

In my world movies are only "AMAZING!" or "WORST TRAVESTY SINCE 9/11!"

Man I love "I Love You Man" (Almost a palindrome here.) I think because I mostly related to Paul Rudd's character. Or I liked that it was a Platonic Romantic Comedy. Or I Just love to "Slappa da bass mon."

Wow. Another nostalgia trip right here. I used to own this soundtrack on cassette. I haven't heard this song in a long time. It's pretty decent.

It's so bad the link doesn't work.

Final Fantasy Tactics is probably my favorite game ever.

My D&D podcast is terrible.

Just had to google to figure out what it meant, despite years of listening to Frightened Rabbit.

It was the 70's man. Prevalent drugs aged teenagers a lot.


OP said to transpose the story into another a story-telling medium. "I am 100% sure that if you took those basic bones of the story, you could make one hell of a fantasy epic out of it, or a space opera, or ANYTHING."

That's true for real life but it makes for some boring television, as the characters and storylines keep dipping into the same well over and over again.

I'm reading some of the 90's X-Books now and man are they pretty bad.

Ted got over Robin so many times. That was the problem with that show, he'd get over her, and so would the audience, but then all of a sudden he wouldn't be over her but the audience still was. It was just too much. The final season did have a nice finally getting over her with the floating away bit, but yeah they

Wait, what? I don't remember that. I should rewatch that movie.

Yeah, and what I imagine will be an awesome movie!

I was trying to think of when "How I Met Your Mother" should end. The last few season were pretty terrible, though I did like he final season. There were some low parts for sure, but I think ultimately it found it's voice for a bit. So somehow move Barney & Robin's wedding up by skipping the 2-3 Seasons before the

Just tell yourself "Only two more seasons."

*Hands the Internet a huge pot of Boiled Potatoes.*

"Don't cry for me, I'm already dead."