
Man, Spartacus was awesome. I was hoping that Jon Snow would have some type of Spartacus tactical brilliance to defeat Ramsay, instead he just has Stark dumbassness and nearly perishes.

Rickon was fridged!

Meanwhile 9 months from now we will see a population bump for The Land. Most babies will be named Lebron, a small percentage of Kyries. Maybe some Kevins (Unless he is traded over the offseason.)

I guess I'm just not in the right forums.

Are we seriously having a Bendis backlash? I've been waiting years for this. He's always been held up as this great writer, but I could never ever get past his dialogue. It was supposed to be excellent but it was just walls of back and forth between characters without distinct voices.

Rickon's death is really upsetting me, and only partly because it's another shitty thing to happen to the Stark's. It's more to do with the absolute pointlessness of it. Rickon disappears for 4 seasons, only to return for one scene, then disappear for a few more episodes, only to get killed. Why? To show that Ramsey

Yeah, My thoughts were that somehow, through smart tactics (Yeah right) or dumb luck (maybe) Jon Snow would've defeated the Bolton army, but then Littlefinger swoops in to take over.

Man I loved "Old Christine" My wife and I watched this show consistently. Everyone on it was great. Especially when New Christine started getting more personality and Old Christine started to become more of an awful mess.

As a great man once said. "To be the best you've got to beat the best. Woooooooo!"

Yes, and then they beat the best team in a strong conference to become the Champions.

They were the best last night. They were the best the game before that. They were the best the game before that as well. You could say they were the best of the last seven games.

I'll admit I only vaguely ever clicked on the Starwipe articles (though recently I was doing it more) But damn, that final kiss-off was wonderful. I will just await Sean O'Neal's return to the AV Club with my arms wide open.

My Ranking:
1. Scream
Dead Fucking Last: All the Rest

It'd be so Littlefinger though.

They're really sticking it to Cavs fans with the #AllOut.

Wrapping up Happy Endings soon. I will never get over it's cancellation.

How long have you been smoke free? I don't miss it at all, but it's been nearly a decade for me.

I've got a ten-miler on Sunday. I may or may not be ready for it. I've been pretty consistent with my 12 week training, but some days I get tired on short runs, yet other times I can do a long run no problem.

So, like, after sex, do you just…smoke yourself?
