
Baby on Board…Something Something Burt Ward!

How did Mulder become a believer? He experienced his sister being abducted.
How did Scully become a skeptic? By studying Science.

I may or may not be spreading myself thin this month.

I don't remember that. It's been a long time for me as well. I think I should revisit both the book and the movie. Do a comparison. I somehow own the movie but I don't think I ever watched it at home. (Saw it in the theater)

Oh yeah. (BOOK SPOILER) the modern family member enters the tomb and there are all the lifeless husks from the machine. That was interesting and makes his decision to use Tesla's machine less suicidal.

I read the book a few years before the movie came out and was a bit disappointed with it. I was especially disappointed that most of the book goes on and on about how there is no way that no way it could be twins, but then it is revealed "oh yeah, it's twins." I could be misremembering as that was a long time ago, but

Bad sound? Bad Stage Presence? Bad Singing? Sloppy? Care to elaborate?

My wife and I have been rewatching this show the last month. My god it's so good. Possibly my favorite sitcom ever.

I see your point and mostly agree. But the few terrible, gear-grinding seasons before the last one pretty much ruined any development for me. So, I didn't so much care about the overarching story. However, I felt like the mother added a nice touch, and the show was generally funnier then it had been that final season.

I liked the Final Season, until the ending.

Pretty much you can skip to the final season as soon as they show the future wedding.

I actually liked most of the last season. Much better than the 2-3 that came before it.

You're absolutely right. I had to slog through the final seasons of this show. Barney and Robin again?!? Ted's in love with Robin again?!? I was over it.

That just gave me an idea for a summer activity. Comics by the firepit. Read the old books, toss 'em on the pyre.

*Angrily tweets Kermit The Frog's address.

Yeah, I know nothing about that whole grading thing. I was actually pretty shocked to find one of my old books to be worth anything. I'm sure those 10 copies of X-Force #1 I have are good investments too…

Just looked this up now and am seeing the issue is selling for $200+. Maybe my comics aren't all totally worthless.

I started picking up The New Mutants the issue right before Liefeld's start. In the 90's comics heyday I had believed my first appearance of Cable and the start of Liefeld's run would be worth thousands in 25 years (like right now!) Then the bubble burst and I am left with all those longboxes of pulp. Still reading

I'd say I was getting too old for this shit, but I don't want to mix my 80's cop movies.

It doesn't happen as often as you think.