
Hash Pipe > Nothing. (Okay, maybe most of their stuff after Maladroit) I really don't like Hash Pipe.

Yeah, I saw that they scaled back, I get it, but I think it was the big sound that really made me love them. I'm sure the more I listen to it the more I will appreciate it. Right now "Wildflower" is the real stand out for me. Everything else washes over me in pleasantness.

I love this band and I love their sound, but right now I find I only like this album. It doesn't seem to have the richness and bigness of sound that Bloom had.

*Shadow_play walks into party
*Cute Princess looks at his feet and sees Chewbacca Crocs "You came in those things? You're braver then I thought."

Merry Christmas!!!

Sorry, I see now that it has 14 songs on it, not 15. I'd leave off "How the West Was Won…", "New Test Leper, " "Undertow," and "Low Desert" FYI.

Little Comets - "Tense/Empty"
Arcade Fire - "Deep Blue"
They Might Be Giants - "The Biggest One"
Droyma - "Sum i himli…"
Doves - "The Storm"
New Order - "Hey Now What You Doing"
The Depreciation Guild - "Spirit Youth"
Belle & Sebastian - "Song For Sunshine"
British Sea Power - "It Ended on an Oily Stage"
Belle & Sebastian -

I love New Adventures in Hi-Fi. If it were 10 songs instead of 15 it would be perfect.

I can't even bring myself to read his Autobiography, even though it has been sitting on my shelf since Christmas. Should I finally get around to it?

Kylo Ren is actually Khan!

I have to get these songs on my iPod. They are so great. "I am a Wolf You are the Moon" is beautiful. And I want to go through life as a series of montages to "Higher and Higher"

I assume this comes from Star Trek TNG?

I wish I could get these songs on cassette.

It's certainly no "Lumberjack" by Jackyl

I remember there being the shitty theme song "Ruthless People" (by Mick Jagger) that was the basis for the shitty Weird Al parody "Toothless People" (I love Weird Al, but that song is just boring and bad)

Joke stolen from The Clerks cartoon.

Ugh, why wasn't Adam Scott in this show? Okay, it was already packed with goodness but Adam Scott would've fit in perfectly somewhere.

To be fair @avclub-920530cb8744c679e3a2ece84f1d5ce4:disqus is only one man. He'd need a teram of 30 or more people to come up with something more solid.

I liked that movie where he fought Zombies that came out Just before zombie reached oversaturation.

I won Dungeons and Dragons! And it was Advanced! I like this. I'll have to watch and enjoy when I have some spare time.