
I thought this was a solid ending for the show. Probably one of the better season finales that Game of Thrones has done.

Is that quote for real? Because one of the last things I want to here from the Doctor in that situation is "Oh, gross." Though admittedly it's hilarious.

This is absolutely true. All I really wanted was a few extra scenes that showcased his fanatic belief in himself as Azhor Ahai (Or whatever) resurrected. One more scene of Mlisandre and him staring in the fire and deciding this is the only course of action. This is what the red god wants. Instead it's a sucker punch.

I always give my brother shit because he says he doesn't like the "fantasy" elements of the show. So any time Bran had a vision or Melisandre did some magic or they'd show the dragons he'd be like "whatever, just tell me about the politics." I'd say "you know, they started off the show with an Ice Zombie, you knew

I guess when the end product is something that is stellar who cares how it came to be?

Did they? I mean I get it. Comedians have to get their timing and delivery right, and Weird Al's got to sync up his vid screen and all of his costume changes. It's a well -run show to be sure.

I Love "Temptation!"

He runs a tight show, but it feels very mechanical and precise. No room for banter or improv or what have. Still, he gave us "Dare to be Stupid" so I don't complain.

I saw him last week for the first time in 30 years. Solid show.

I was thinking the same thing, but then I justified it to myself that these are his "true believer" troops; the fanatics that say "Anyone burning must be for the greater good."

He's stabbed repeatedly by the other members of the Night's Watch. Since Melisandre is at The Wall in the books, and it's been implied that Stannis is in fact not the reincarnation of R'hyllor (his sword gives off light but not heat) I believe that Melisandre will resurrect Jon Snow Beric Dondarrion/Lady Stoneheart

I really wish the show had given another scene with Melisandre and Stannis discussing the power of King's Blood and how this is what the Lord of Light requires etc. etc. Instead we get an episode where Stannis has a moving moment with his daughter about Greyscale and how he wouldn't let her die because she's his

Get mad? Hell, you'll get the job!

A lot of this stuff is pretty bad, But is it bad because of the label's influence? I never understood why a label will see something in a band and decide in studio to make that band change their entire approach. Granted I know nothing about the music biz.

Take a look who wrote the article champ.

Yes, It's almost as if I garnered that information straight from the article.

No. Even after riding the beer train I didn't get laid.

Same dog or different dog?

It also gave us "Cumbersome" which has to take it down multiple notches.

Filling in the Blanks Oh So "Pretty" Edition