
Smiths and REM? Solid.

Yeah Buzzcocks! Love that song.

5190-5194 of 6183, the "This" Just Keeps on Going Edition

I'd never done a crazy thing in my life before that night.

Why is it that if a man kills another man in battle, it's called heroic, yet if he kills a man in the heat of passion, it's called murder?

I did not get laid. But I did get Smashed!! I had no idea that those Golden Monkeys I was drinking had such a relatively high alcohol content. I wouldn't have had them flowing so freely if I did. (That's a lie. I was enjoying them no matter what.)

Better than Our Wars.

But do you still make the tired joke of "Let's hope they score a homerun." when talking about football, or "Let's hope they shoot a basket" when talking about baseball?

The one I always use is "Don't Blame me, I voted for Kodos" Works anytime you want to complain about government. Also, give me anything by Ralph Wiggum. "I Bent my Wookie" or "I choo choo choose you."

It was probably awkward for him that Jai Courtney, the poor man's Tom Hardy, was also in this.

Close, the fiancee knows about his lack of guy friends, Rudd overhears her talking with her friends about it and that's what gets him started on trying to meet somebody.

Yeah, That's new information too.

The fake names really did a decent job of masking identities of the guest voices. At least for me at the time, I remember thinking that it was just a soundalike of Mickael Jackson, and not MJ himself when this came out. It was years later when I learned the truth.

Does The Lego Movie Snub have anything to do with [SPOILERs FOLLOW] the live action stuff at the end?

Do I still need drugs to fully appreciate it?

I'm not sure if Paddington does it in the movie, but I will be doing it in the movie theater.

"including the least tasteless Holocaust reference to ever grace a talking animal movie" But really how many can there be?

Bloc Party "This Modern Love"

Roy Orbison "Only the Lonely"

Morrissey "Suedehead"