
I fucking love "Love in Vacuum," "Voices Carry" as well, but "Love in a Vacuum" is so good. I also love her crazy giant hair from back then as well.

Love the insistent wailing sax on this.

I want to know how much of Draft Day’s $9.75 million, came from Cleveland?

I liked "I want to Believe" for the same reason Mr. VanDerWerff did. It was just great following along with Mulder & Scully again. Also, as much as I liked that it was a "Monster of the Week" story I felt like they could have done something bigger. Something that was worth being shown in the theater. I'm not saying

I'll give you "stylized" To me "Disneyized" would mean diluted, censored, hidden, non-existent or non-deadly. Different strokes I guess.

Also, dude only played in 14 of 16 games do to the suspension.

Maybe Jordan Orlando only ever watched it on TNT.

I've never acknowledged any of the sequels.

I didn't realize this. It did make the article a little confusing when it switched from Cinemax to HBO about halfway through. My brain was also distracted by the no-pasties rule though.

"Disneyized violence?" Like when DeNiro gratuitously beats the guys head in with a baseball at the table and his blood spills out like wine? Like when the 8-year old kid is blown up by a suitcase bomb? Like when Connery shoots that corpse in the mouth and bloodies up the window? Like when Connery gets shot to shreds

That's not an accurate description at all. Nick Nolte's character turned into a cloud.

As a fan of the Cleveland Browns I am excited for this movie. Here's my reasoning: Major League. When that movie came out the Indians were a joke, a few years after it came out came the Amazing Indians of the 90's and 2 trips to the World Series (Let's not talk about how they lost)

Eh, Lethal Weapon doesn't give as many hints of Christmas as Die Hard does. Though I do like the scene in the Christmas Tree lot. Kiss Kiss Bang Bang is great, but Die Hard is the epitome of great action flicks. Plus "Now I have a Machine Gun. Ho Ho Ho." also "Ode to Joy."

I love this ridiculous band! Now I need to see them in concert to get the whole experience.

Probably, but my joke wouldn't work if I knew about the expansion and contraction of ground water

I suppose he could have thought I was a tourist, though since I am feeling self-deprecating about my city I will say "why would anyone want to visit?"

So, fuck Cleveland.

Cleveland only has about 3 or 4 filmable blocks. The rest of it is completely uncinematic. Also, are all the potholes in this city a result of The Winter Soldier? It's pretty fucking terrible right now.

Carter & Bay say, "I mean, we always had this as a Plan B. We figured the initially aired ending was the lesser of two evils."

Waitaminnit?! they are different people?