
Just trying my hand at an old AV Club Meme.

But no matter what happens we will know that the original Darabont version is the best right?

Now you've got me thinking of Kathleen Turner in Temple of Doom and how awesome that would have been. If that alternate movie happened there is no way Temple would be shit upon so many years later. (well maybe less shit upon as I know people still get pissed about Short Round)

But does it really count if one of the six seasons was the gas leak year?

From what I've seen I believe them.

Personally mine involved swords, elves, dragons and other medieval fantasy things. (when they didn't involve things of a more sexual nature)

Sunday Morning is solidly awesome.

I was expecting the usual Billy Corgan gimmick of talking about how great The Smashing Pumpkins are or how underappreciated Zwan is, instead I get a thoughtful analysis of the above interview. Bravo!

"This may be the least diluted expression of
addled teen-male movie fantasy to actually make it to the screen this side of
Luc Besson’s The Fifth Element." Are we forgetting Zach Snyder's "Sucker Punch?"

I can't even fathom this rationale.

Eh, I wouldn't say it's terrible. It captures the shrillness of young tweens yelling over each other.

I am the cool sibling, though as the youngest I have no influence on the other 2.

Isn't that the basis of Joe LeTruglio's character in Brooklyn 99?

"Can I offer anybody like the best drug experience they ever had?"

I had to laugh when I read "Fan favorites like “Possum Kingdom,” “Backslider,” and “I Come From The Water” still get regular radio play, and seem almost as fresh as they did back in the Clinton era." While they may be "fan favorites", I never hear anything but "Possum Kingdom" on the radio. Also, they sure as hell

Colt .45: It works Every Time!

It's boring as hell. I didn't get through it all.

You're both wrong, Obi-Wan is the Gandalf of Star Wars.

Mr. Adams is right that the Heathcliff theme is the catchiest 80's cartoon theme. I did not watch that show, yet I still recall that theme to this day. Dennis the Menace however I did watch, but I don't remember that theme at all. (Though I loove it's awesome saxiness)

Wow! He is, and 93 to boot!