
"day-glo orange vinyl tank top and a Sergeant Pepper-style marching band jacket" in '89 that was fierce, 20 years later it was Coldplay.

Can't you get a blog or something and stop regaling us with your terrible anecdotes?

Deen's Reaction: "You mean it wasn't all of them?"

Most IHOP food robs me of my powers. My powers of bowel control.

Well, all this talk made me go back and listen to "Push Th' Litle Daisies" and I just can't understand how anyone can find it listenable. As a joke? Curiosity? ok maybe once. But ugh.

With it's empty talk of "revolution" and the generic "girl power" message, I have a feeling that "What's Up" might be Britta Perry's favorite song.

I wasn't talking about "intent" here though and I don't think it falls into what I am going for. Basically, I'm saying if I was driving along and only 2 radio stations were coming in and one was playing "What's Up" and the other was playing "Push Th' Little Daisies" then I would leave it on "What's Up"

What!?! It was filmed in a location that was different than what was stated in the movie?!! Yeah right, that's quite a stretch.

Mr. O'Neal just can't get enough. It helps him churn out the Newswires.

In these trying times we look for escapes into the more innocent age of 5 years ago when this article was written. Oh, if only we could go back to those halcyon days of yore…

I've read this book and she has convinced me that not having kids is the way to go. Now what to do with the one I already have….

@avclub-92a972196ae14b06997dc73a44c6cddd:disqus 's Albums after Wish Order:

Join the Dots is so good. Disc 2 and 3 especially. DIsc 1 is good if you like the early post-punk stuff.

This is probably the best HateSong so far.

That just makes you ill-informed. I'd call you a Poseur if you said you have always loved this particular kick-ass punk band. Not really, since I'm not a 14 year old asshole I wouldn't call anyone a poseur.

That's a good read on it. I hope that's right.

"Dave, Why are you not listening to How To Destroy Angels? You will like it Dave."

I bow down to your mad use of HTML, and your smug douchery.

So you read the comments section of the Av Club and you're not expecting smug douchery?

The smug douchery can be found in the article.