
As a Pats’ fan, I hate that anyone on the New England Patriots might support this hate-fueled, orange demagogue, but then I remember that most owners and coaches of sports franchises are horrible, horrible assholes. Except you, Cuban. You’re all right.

The Citadel dlc is marvelous. It’s the same BW studio who are working on Andromeda I believe.

Gameplay wise, ME1 to ME3 is a gigantic leap. ME3 gameplay was near perfection in comparison. ME1 was a barely passable third person shooter and ME3 was up there with the best of the best.

I’m more bothered by the implication of more Reaper involvement. The promises of a fresh start don’t seem as ambitious now.

They tried something smaller scale with DA 2, people complained, so they stopped.

Hey, to be fair, ME3: Citadel is worth buying 5 times over.

That’s how you interpreted it? Looked to me like the chain of command gets killed and someone has to step up

Might be the point? From the (sparse) bits of convo in the trailer, Ryder seems like s/he wasn’t supposed to be in charge, but Murphy happened and now s/he is. Shepard was explicitly selected as the best of the best of the best of the best.

Yes. I want it.
Spring 2017 isn’t that far off. Nice.

Finally i can hold on to some real hope lol

This looks fucking rad.

The real problem is going to youtube and no matter what i click to watch this shit will appear with a lot of people talking about any game that has a woman anywhere. I came here to read about left 4 dead and there it is again. Just closing our eyes to pretend the problem doesnt exist only works if you are a coward

I still have the HL2 Episode 2 cliffhanger burned into my memory.

This is yet another series where I wish Valve could count to 3.

There are so many “toss-up” states going by recent polling that it’s terrifying enough. There’s a very good chance that Hillary wins but doesn’t get past 300, which would be the closest election since 2004.

That said, let’s make sure we send the obstructionists packing in both houses of Congress, otherwise celebrating Hillary’s win will be hollow and short-lived.

The controversy is that clearly the developers at Respawn don’t want to publicly trash their colleagues at Infinity Ward (the devs of Infinite Warfare), but EA is doing it on their behalf. You may remember, BTW, that Respawn was formed from a large contingent of people departing Infinity Ward, so there’s no doubt that

1) Perhaps you haven’t paid attention to the way in which Activision has continued to minimize the PC community for their games through crappy, useless changes to things that were already working, as well as putting out (consistently), buggier, worse-running versions of the games.

It created a truly engaging experience. The characters hit that great balance of believable while cartoony, the city engaged the player with memorable (albeit flat) map that used nearly every inch well. It also expanded player control and options drastically. And the mission flow worked well and meshed solidly with

Who here remembers the first time you played Vice City? Watching that 80's intro begin. The hype was real!

I mean I’d be happy with just putting flock of seagulls into the GTA V radio. Maybe Kim whateveryhell with kids in America too.