
They were pulling stunts which is illegal. They are taking up all the lanes of a road and not following any sort of rules of the road. They are obviously not stopping for the police.

Well Monsanto refer to it as both. Go bother someone else.

A lot of peoples dislike of GMO food is not in the fact it is modified, but that it is modified to be more resistant to stronger pesticides, which would normally kill the plant. That means the plant it soaking up these stronger chemicals which will one day make it into your system. Workers exposed to the chemicals for

A friend had a similar dream. Through a few random choices she now lives on an Italian vineyard and some of her neighbours work at the local Nutella factory in some quiet village somewhere picturesque. Now these neighbours all come round a lot and they bring with them an endless supply of free Nutella, they make giant

Brixton is a heavy black part of London with a history of racial tension.

Lol Brixton is a heavily mixed area with a long history of racial tension. It might be he and his friends of different races just had a good party and took the piss out of each other.

I was going to write the same thing. He must have really been liked and I'm guessing he had a lot of piss taken out of him that night.

2/5 what else though?

They classed Aboriginal Australians as fauna until the late 1960's I believe. I think some Australians have not caught unto the fact they are actually people who you can be racist against.

Jokes don't usually target one specific individual, like this, which must be awful for her, for numerous reasons. If a comedian tells a joke, in a general way, about something edgy, I'm fine with it if its not aimed at anyone person.

The DayZ versions are better as they use hacks.

Ok so you want to make a game that doesn't run fowl of the gambling laws. So you base it on the occult and give ammo to every conservative / religious legislator to use against you.

My lord. People are forced into using food banks, going without a meal so their kids can eat and you go on about 'lattes and soda'.

Thats the bit everyone doesn't get. The graphics didn't take a step backwards, the engine was being written to do some really complex stuff and that needs finishing before adding the shiny sparkly stuff.

They took on a belief system which made Stalin / The State the defacto church / god.

I fully support the right of the displayed people to return to their land.

Older cars had manual windows and the kids probably could wind them down to cool or escape.

I personally watch Emily Grasslie for her utter joy in what she does. It is infectious and educational. I learnt about her from a previous discussion about this subject.

With an attitude like that you are asking for some serious boner related injuries.