
on one hand, I agree. on the other, there’s an entire other ecosystem largely divorced from the world of traditional reporting that’s *actually* keeping him relevant, and I doubt that this post’s existence has much bearing on that. so in this particular instance, I figure why not make fun of this extremely 2018 farce

think I found her theisis

I demand DJ Hero 3. Or at least a version of 1 which uses its playlist by the mechanics from 2.

Sorry, but this is obviously fake. George Costanza is not a character in Super Smash Bros. Ultimate. He is an assist trophy ONLY. Please do not troll on this webpage.

Looks like the challenges this game faced in reaching the market on Switch were just too... steep.

If Dracula doesn’t say that exact line when he appears (at least sometimes randomly) I will be upset.

Let’s get going!  These ships aren’t going to shoot themse...   ...wait...

She’s gone from suck to blow!

Captain Toad. The biggest thief in the entire Galaxy.

I definitely feel Hello Games has redeemed themselves with this game’s updates.  I’m not saying I will ever trust them with a preorder again but the game has gotten better and better with each update.  I’m not into multiplayer but I’m digging the rest of the changes to the game.  I still feel launching your ship is

You do. Riley insists on posting misleading info every month even though people keep correcting him.

I’m almost ALWAYS that guy- I finally decide to suck it up and buy a game I’ve been holding out on and it’s like XBOX sees that and immediately makes it free or dirt cheap the day after  

Nice, by this time next month I’ll have the full Dead Space trilogy with gold.

Another racing game, a title which was doing poorly until a recent change that made it either good or popular or something, Dead Space 3 and a title I never expected to be on Games w/ Gold...  Interesting month, once again more interested in the 360 titles than the XB1 titles...

This is a pretty good lineup. Might actually try out For Honor again. See what has changed and evolved from the original game. 

it’s only wednesday and it has already been a week... It’s okay to ask for help.