
With the Clippers whiffing on Butler and any of the big names I can’t see Kawhi seeing them as a feasible destination any longer.  It’s Lakers or Raptors

Because the Bears lost in the Wildcard round.  If they would’ve beaten the Eagles they would’ve played the Rams, then went on to play the winner of Dallas/Saints which I was making a bit of an assumption in saying Saints but they would’ve needed at least one more game then you’re mentioning no matter what

The Bears lineup was Rams, Saints, Patriots to pull off that Super Bowl win. It’s possible, but the probability of it happening was probably really low. Yeah they caused a horrendous performance from Goff but I’m not so certain you get an exact repeat and even if you do that would be three ridiculously hard games in a

My read on it is that even though the attempt may be lame it’s coming from a good place and thus should be appreciated

Just mod 4 it and your done

Except for the fact that this isn’t coming from the GOP. It’s a Democrat bill and would be considered a win for them. If it was a GOP backed bill that they had gotten ahead of the Dems then maybe. They still could kill the Booker bill and come up with their own that isn’t attached to letting people out of prison. That

There was a comment I saw that said the obvious clue that this was faked was the noose, because White people don’t think about nooses anymore when it comes to racism. Especially not Northern ones.

He was incredibly good. And it drove me crazy when he was OBVIOUSLY the only person on the team that gave a damn. You’d watch him running everywhere to try and make anything happen and everyone else would just fuck around not caring.

What I’m picturing is, it’s one of those one person bathrooms where it’s a normal door lock.  That jams or breaks or whatever and he’s stuck in there banging on the door.  BK People say use this fly swatter like a credit card to pop the lock open by sliding it between the door jambs.  He tries a few times, slips and

Think about how ludicrous it would be, in literally any other industry, for a person’s former co-workers to be bitter at him for taking a job with a rival company after being fired; their resentment would rightly be laughed out of the room.

He actually didn’t have the option to do that. Bryant is no longer on the team. That Jalen allowed that shit to happen to him shows that he’s bought in to the whole BS

I think that he came down out of bonds b/c he didn’t care where his feet went b/c he had to watch the ball go straight through his fingers. If he catches that ball I can see him making a quick adjustment with his toes. He’s done that tons of times before.

Wasn’t he even really only running Alabama’s offense for one single game. I always felt that he got that job because he was the closest person available because I really couldn’t see any other reason why he would be fit for it

Its not a question of time, its a question of liability. If your stepfather is creating all this shit and suing you right before the draft, maybe that guys crazy, maybe he’ll cause all sorts of crazy bad press...that’s a liability and has to be brought into the thought process when deciding who to draft and when.

It was also stupid to sue that person before the multi-million dollar contract was signed in the first place as it could also affect that money but that didn’t stop him

Awesome, because both shaving cream and underwear are on my list of being tired screwing around with basic stuff and looking for something high quality. Can’t wait for the articles

Awesome, because both shaving cream and underwear are on my list of being tired screwing around with basic stuff and

Going for the vote of the masses works for a lot of things but I think that this and the fact that Barbasol won the shaving cream vote Prove that it doesn’t work for this. I’d really, really, really rather have had a great thought out article with one of your writers trying out everything for awhile and then making an

Going for the vote of the masses works for a lot of things but I think that this and the fact that Barbasol won the

So first one is a secondary celeb encounter but its fun and I love it. I was in 7th grade at a really, really christian private school and my English teacher doesn't show up on a Friday and we all ignore it. Monday comes along and he apologizes to the class for missing, it was just his buddy Scott Weiland called him

Actually it wasn't a board (as it normally is for these things). To try and make things as completely unbiased as possible FSU found three extremely reputable retired judges and allowed both parties to kick off one. The one left was a retired Florida Supreme Court Justice with no ties to FSU. But as to be expected,

Hahah, given the history of effective parenting I'd put $10 on once auto-pilots become a thing in cars there will totally be a ton of kids that do that or something similar. To the point where there will be measures put in place specifically for that, and then there will be articles on the latest kid to overcome