I've heard that the story is there will be flashbacks in the new season
I've heard that the story is there will be flashbacks in the new season
I couldn't agree more, its dependence upon new technology that has driven us further and further away from what we should truly be. Now that we have vehicles and weaponry people don't run around as much chasing down food and they get weak, and now that we rely on medicine more and more all the weak people get to…
Very true, fuck progress
I like your analogies sir, especially the shotgun one. Valid, its a bit stretching, but still its the basic you can't just freely modify everything you purchase, there have to be rules. As for the blood sugar level guy in MizuofYmir's example: I'd say that Nintendo should have the ability to prosecute, but if they…
apparently it is now projected to become a 7 book series with the 5th one coming out in early August. You can pre-order it on Amazon. I will now have to check it out, I'm always looking for new stuff
yes, because the greatest thing since the Industrial Revolution is just not worth it because a couple of people are annoying you, brilliant
I'm fairly certain that the whole opposite timelines isn't exactly accurate. I believe that while for the most part a lot of the major things seem to be going that way, I think that in some parts things aren't exactly going in opposite directions. If they were going in exactly opposite directions then each iteration…
Ahh, so because its a "kids" show that means we are unable to state that any of the statements made within it are incorrect. Nice loophole that.
Possibly, but that would mean that somehow the Ganger has regenerative powers. Now they did talk about how maybe the ganger could pull itself back together, but that seemed to be that it was because it was flesh and flesh can mold itself into whatever. That does not, on the other hand mean that it can make the…
One, they haven't implied that she has the knowledge of the Time Lords and that was the big thing for making Donna explode. Next, they've said repeatedly that the baby isn't exactly human, its a "Time head" or that she has a splicing of time lord DNA. Whatever you want to see it as, it means that she is not a human…
As for finding Amy, I figured he found out from the big blue guy. They specifically have the blue guy stating that he knows the location of the base and explaining to eye patch how he knows then. He then walks out and gets picked up by the Doctor, to his great dismay.
Question about your Ganger Doctor theory though:
Only conclusion I could make is that she had the memories repressed or erased in some way shape or form from and that for the opener episode it was the first time of her seeing that since the whole memory loss and putting some pieces together. Then the River they talk to later has figured things out and knows what…
Even if that is true, saying that he has never risen higher is still absurd.
I truly do love Gambon's take on it by itself, but I have to say that when one year Dumbledore becomes Hippy Dumbledore immediately takes me out of the movie and wonder wtf
I didn't read it as an appeal to get people to protest for him to get paid more, like you point out that's inane and won't do anything. I think it was more to find out where people's temperaments are about the prospect of a new film.
Where in the article does he even mention Christians in general or in any sense? As you so easily quoted, all he says is "A lot of people" this does not mean all christians, this does not mean a large percentage of christians, it just means a lot of people.
Your example isn't relevant. Any movie that is serious the entire way through, with zero humor and zero lightening up is almost painful to watch and it becomes a burden. There always needs to be something to give a little lightness to a movie so that people can take a moment's break from all the crushing severity.
Do you mean his brother Lore?
I'd be more inclined to say it has to do with his domestic abuse status indirectly, but really the reason it didn't make any money is because there has been zero advertising or back up. The studio didn't even run with the negative publicity once it came close to opening day.