
Even if I do, I think I can separate stand-up persona from my prejudices of the actual guy. For example, Martin Luther King Jr. was a great guy, but he was a terrible stand-up. I didn't hear a single laugh when he played at the Washington Monument.

And now we have Mike back to riffing himself, with Kevin and Bill, in movie theaters across the country. It's truly a great time to be alive.

"When are they gonna get to the Valley Lo-o-odge?!?"

Well, if Joel says he can do the job, I'll assume he will suck less at movie riffing than he does at podcasting and stand-up comedy. I dunno, I never heard of the guy before this, but I like the cut of his jib.

I don't think that's a proper analogy. If Joel was having Hampton Yount and Baron Vaughn dubbing over all the old episodes, then you'd have something. But where George Lucas would say "I don't care what the fans want, this is MY toy and no one elses!", Joel's been way more respectful and the worst thing he's said to

I'm just thrilled to be talking rationally with someone who doesn't care for the new show, without being called "fuckface"!

It is fantastic, but some people are apprehensive of these new guys. Hopefully, they'll show us why Joel has faith in them in the first place, and I think they will.

I don't know. Zach Braff got millions of dollars to remake GARDEN STATE with an all new cast. That turned out well, right?

I understand. I just see it as meeting a new girl a few years after your wife dies: you can't recreate what you had before, but you can and should enjoy what you have now without feeling guilty.

Before the telethon, I got really depressed when I saw this tweet that was liked by Trace: "There's nothing quite so dispiriting as seeing someone magpie goodwill so shamelessly and selfishly. #BringBackWhatNow" I got scared that were was some real tension between the MST3K crew, and that I was being led down a bad

Trace was asked, and he says he had a very nice offer, but ultimately had to turn it down, but wishes nothing but the best for the new cast. Frank, I'm not so sure. His Twitter suggests some bitterness, but that could very well be his deadpan humor.

I think Bill was just joshing around. He seems like a super positive guy, and I'm sure he's fine with sticking with RiffTrax.

For those who say having these celebrities means that MST3K has sold out, keep in mind that these guys are famous for a good reason: they're funny. Let's not keep them out in the cold because they've managed to make good money off their talents. And again, this is Joel we're talking about. He should know more than

You're still a fucking asshole for going at him on Twitter, though.

Trace says he got a very nice offer from Joel, but had to turn it down, probably because he and Frank are touring. No bad feelings, and he sends all his best to the new cast. Frank, I'm not sure, but his latest tweet—"[Joel's] interest in being on our show is about the same as his interest in having MST3K cast be part

GUESS WHAT, BITCH? Dan Harmon's gonna be a guest writer on the new MST3K. Just got confirmed in the new Kickstarter update.

My eternal soul. WORTH IT.

Boy, Dan Harmon is gonna write AND Robert Lopez is writing songs for it?

But you're not gonna get anywhere with a name like Gentle Herpes, son. That's just not a good name for showbiz.

I got the "Free Coupon for Torgo's Pizza" package. Only problem is that the estimated delivery is November 2021. Man, that Torgo sure is slow, but the breadsticks are at least delicious.