
Our planes are still there working, despite our idiot prime minister.

It’s got the looks, but turned out to be slow, cheaply made and you felt like a twat driving it ... imo



From my cold dead hands

If you enjoy - actually enjoy - driving a car in a city, star this comment. This is one instance where I'm pretty sure I'll get zero stars, and in fact I hope I do. I can't wait for autonomous cars to take over the septic clusterfuck that is driving in DC or Manhattan.

I dunno about that time scale, but once driverless cars are effective and ubiquitous, it’s going to be hard to keep humans in the picture. Thirty thousand people a year die in car crashes. If you could shrink that number to 1000, I think legislators will be all over it.

When someone else pays for it, the driver has never paid for anything nor ansewered to anything, and the family bank account resembles Scrooge McDuck’s vault (just don’t ask where it came from!), it reduces the incentive to care for a vehicle.

Around the places I mention, more like curbed wheels and some bumper scrapes after a few months. Once it gets too dirty, daddy or meal ticket just buys another.

Back when I was a pup, they used to have commercials that showed how the plastic nose on that there Pontiac would bend, rather than break, but driving the car slowly into a pane of bulletproof glass. Those were good times! I think I’ll go fart some dust now....

Probably 300 from Vancouver West to Richmond, maybe 150 in Bellevue and Kirkland. This will be the sunny day car, while the Macan will be for harsher weather.

Yeah, but at least they tip, Canadian.

go home Matt, you’re drunk

I want to drop both this and the Murano off a tower in Italy to prove that gravity still works.

Is that a Lexus SC? Aka The Worst Car in the World?

I predict the Evoque Convertible density in central Beijing London or next to any boarding school/premiership football club wives’ parking will be approximately 250 per square mile.

I think it will look great sitting in a driveway. Cause like any Rover it will often be stuck there.

In Beijing Cabin filters are a godsend. Who really wants more access to pollution.

I predict the Evoque Convertible density in central Beijing will be approximately 250 per square mile.

“At one point I had to reach up and grab what I thought was the toolcase I needed. I brought it down and realized it was...a very dog-eared copy of “Fifty Shades of Grey.” Looked at her...and she gave me one of those slow winks. O_o”