
Looks like she elected to receive in the second half.

is she playing the Redskin flute?

All this time I didn’t think Cousins sucked at FedEx field this week.

I can’t fault him. That’s probably the only way I’d enjoy being at a Skins game, too.

Is it safe to say that the same people that really love and think about guns a lot, are also more scared of guns than the average person? When I see someone in Mexico with an AK-47 its just like being at a WalMart in the states, except I know who has a gun because its massive and out in the open. Not in a trenchcoat,

I actually think that the most important rule is “the gun is always loaded” above the others. It’s what I start with when educating the ignorant, both adults and children.

““If you travel outside the US, you’re going to see AKs. Knowing how to identify a ‘hot’ AK, operate it and disarm this weapon is a critical skill if you’re going to leave the resorts.”

I’ll also include any car with drum brakes on all 4 wheels, especially on long descending roads or in rain (drums collect water, where disks simply sling it off). I wasn’t driving fast, but did lose my brakes on the Pikes Peak highway in my dart, luckily 1 gear held out and we made it down safely. Driving in rain

All of a sudden the Veyron’s styling isn’t so bad.

Still not ok. My godson has autism, if he melts down, they leave. And they tip staff. And no, they don’t have to explain their kid, but it helps.

Yeah, but I think we all know our bodies and what is about to come - at least for the most part.

Do you rise up out of your chair when you do it so it can better perfume the meals of adjacent diners - and do you let fly audibly? Because if so, please stay the fuck home.

You deserve a lot worse than being “ganged up on” for standing up for those idiots.

Bone stock, any 70s Japanese import not originally built as a sports car, is a bit terrifying when driven briskly on a windy road (still fun though), let alone in traffic on an interstate. They’re so lightweight and underpowered that you get blown around by any passing car (or motorcycle for that matter) and having an

If you look anywhere on the net you’ll find fans of something. Doesn’t make it right....or legal in some cases.

For good reason. *grabs pitchfork*

Rightfully so!

Because it’s retarded

Yeah, all right, so the car's got a little bad karma to work off.