Also, hearing this dipshit covering “Trap Queen” is as close to death as you can come without having it turned into a Christian Film.
Also, hearing this dipshit covering “Trap Queen” is as close to death as you can come without having it turned into a Christian Film.
Changing your lifestyle and not living your life are not even remotely the same thing.
It’s one thing when a baby screams through a movie. The kid doesn’t get shit from it when they’re too young, it’s crappy to subject people to that sort of thing.
My dog does this with lettuce. I can give him a bite of a sandwich and he will eat everything then spit out the lettuce. I have no idea how he does it.
My dog growing up refused to eat peas. You could literally give her a bit of stew with mixed vegetables in it, she’d lick the bowl clean, then she would drop all the uneaten peas out of her mouth back into the empty bowl.
I understand you are not able to use someone’s products and likeness to profit, however, when someone is watching someone like Angry Joe, they are watching it for him, not the reviewed product. He is the product. The corporate attitude that no one can use their name or product is akin to saying if Jerry Seinfeld has a…
SUR is the backdrop for the Real Housewives of Beverly Hills spinoff, Vanderpump Rules, which follows a group of young people with various mental health issues and social skill deficits as they pretend to work in a restaurant.
evidently, you had no party to go to last night, and unfortunately, will have even less in the future.
This is some brave shit.
Counterpoint: There is no better snack food than chocolate milk.
You know, as a rule I agree with you about not punishing murder with murder, but there are certain cases where I feel like the perpetrator of a particularly horrific crime just needs to be put down like a rabid dog. I can't tell you how satisfied I felt when Polly Klass's kidnapper/murderer was executed, and I would…
That's enough internet for today. I'm out. Good bye y'all, I'll remember you all in therapy.
Maybe Cam refuses to eat because he's waiting to be vaccinated.
This is disgusting and horrible. Is it okay that, in addition to judging the show, I am judging the contestant who didn't visit his kid in the ICU because he didn't want to get kicked off the show? Because, ew.
The 70s were really just the poor man's 20s, which is why I love both decades of fashion. I'll gladly attend your caftan brunch as long as I can wear my hair wrap.
I want to bring caftans back so bad.
Not talk about it. You can just do the right thing without telling everyone. That's not only for issues of racism, it's also just a general rule. You shouldn't need positive reinforcement for being a decent person. Just be one.
Deadspin is not your freshman philosophy seminar. Just FYI.
Oh man, this is so smart. No, really! When my son was born, we decided the only REALLY IMPORTANT THINGS were the following: 1) Don't EVER EVER EVER leave him alone in the bath, 2) put him on his back when he goes to sleep (until he can roll over, then it's up to him), and 3) if you're taking him somewhere in the car,…
I would normally agree, but child stars emotionally and mentally mature much more quickly than standard kids. And people who are in similar life situations tend to be drawn to one another. I don't really think it is so terrible - it is the equivalent of a high school freshman dating a high school senior.