
1958 Buick Electra 225. So much chrome and stainless! I’ve often thought it would be funny (but admittedly expensive) to rebuild one of these and in doing so paint everything that was chromed and chrome everything that was painted. It would be a subtle difference.

I think most commencements would be better off without commencement speakers and without valedictory speakers as well. The last commencement I attended was my son’s law-school commencement. The speaker was a prominent local attorney. During his speech, he somehow got around to his serving on jury duty and telling the

Women should put the seat down.  They’re the ones who want it down.

If you can’t trust your family, that’s probably a good idea.

I may be confused here, but I thought birth control prevented abortion.

I can’t help but ask when any 200-year-old crystal flute ever wore pants?  So, is that really news?

Like so many other readers here, I’m not going to waste my time watching any videos on this website, but if two people are going to debate a topic, wouldn’t the topic be more interesting if the debate was about something on which there was significant disagreement?

If someone answers a question you’ve asked, don’t jump right in to continue the conversation.  If you create an awkward silence, often the person who answered your question will keep talking and provide more information.  Sometimes it’s information they didn’t initially intend to disclose.

Sgtyukon’s first law of public speaking: Anyone who says they will be brief, won’t.

After you’ve made your Powerpoint slides, but before you actually give your presentation, review them from the back of a room to make sure that if anyone does want to read all of them, that’s possible.

Tie downs?  And with all the overloaded cars and trucks I see every day on the roads, there must be people who are already doing this.

The people who run California must know their electric grid isn’t up to this.  Right now, there are times when the under-maintained grid gets shut down in high winds because otherwise sparking causes forest fires.

I live in a major suburb, so I don’t have most of these things in my cars. You do need paper towels, but I prefer windshield washer fluid for cleaning car windows. Poured into a spray bottle, it’s more effective for cleaning the windows of plasticizers that may boil out of your car upholstery than Windex is. If you

As the four-door sports car, did it die with the CVT, or before that?

Refresh my memory.  Did they have those annoying slide shows back in 2002?

Sweet.  And, I suppose if you can afford one of these  you can afford to buy, or at least least someplace to drive it that fast.

Not surprising really. Electric vehicles are versatile.  A friend of mine (admittedly an electrical engineer) wired his house and his Toyota Prius so that the Prius could be used as a UPS for his house, and he did it roughly 15 years ago.


Oldie but goodie. And that $6.59 price is for six of them. Buy enough to give everyone in your class!

I’ve been busy, so I only watched the first episode tonight. Not getting into plot yet, but I hope future episodes aren’t photographed in such a dark way. I should have expected bad sound before tuning in. Most British programs don’t have enough difference in loudness between dialogue and background to suit me. House