
In the late 80's and early 90's, I worked for a government that had a police force.  Sometimes, an ex cop car would be used as pool cars for other departments.  On a business trip, I had a white Dodge Diplomat 4-door sedan with extra-wide tires and big auxiliary brake lights on the package shelf.  I drove over 200

Best looking? Well beauty is in the eye of the beholder, but in my eye, the best looking is the 56-57 C1 (with single headlamps, not the 58-62 kind with quad lights) but not like the 53-55 where the headlights were sort of recessed under those wire baskets.  Okay, stone guards if you insist.

The idea of the website is great.  Not great, tiny print in grey on a white background.  If you’re going to go to the trouble of writing and publishing a lot of data, how about making it so the maximum number of people can read it?

My backpack is big enough for me to use it to hike the Appalachian Trail.  It won’t fit under a seat.  If it’s full, it probably won’t fit in the overhead either. 

Mobility devices? I can’t carry mine on board, because TSA insists my hiking poles go in checked luggage. I have a bad back and hips, and the poles work better than a cane for allowing me to walk for a longer period of time, before excruciating pain sets in.

I was laid off from a job where I worked 4 AM to noon. As you advise, I headed to the unemployment office on my way home. They were closed for lunch.

Don’t be a dick! That’s the most important rule and nobody put it in as of when I read all the comments.

You don’t need to be lured by backup cameras.  In the US, they’ve been required in all new cars since 2019.

To make only one general rule, a carry on contains the stuff that’s irreplaceable, easy to steal, expensive, needed on the flight.

No. Why do you think the questions are written and pre-approved?

PR move. As you said, the federal government can’t do much.  Plus, according to my records of what I pay to fill up my car, gas prices jumped 50 cents a gallon last October.  If this was anything more than a PR move, he should have done it last October.  Even if it was just a PR move, he should have done it much

If you’re not a cop, it’s not your job to enforce the speed limit. If people want to pass you, don’t block them. In addition to making you an asshole, it also turns other people into assholes by causing them to develop road rage.

Maybe it’s a good idea, but it won’t be smooth sailing.  Is Mr. Farley aware of just how powerful auto-dealer associations are?

Try to collect on that bill on the time it took to count your payment.

Prescription meds.  Unless you’re like me.  My camera bag weighs about 30 pounds.  That’s my carry-on.  I check everything else.  My meds are also in my camera bag.  What if they want to force me to check the camera bag?  Well, it does also have around a dozen lithium-ion batteries for the cameras and the laptop. so

That’s a shooting break?  Growing up, I was taught that a shooting break had two doors.  Of course, BMW sells 4-door coupes, so it looks as if nothing is sacred.

If you didn’t do it in a Park Avenue or a Roadmaster, I’m not sure it counts.

Both of mine.  Ready for newer ones.  Hoping the inflated prices go down before either of them die.

It says right on the package you shouldn’t use Q-tips to clean your ears. However, I suspect that if everyone who currently uses Q-tips to clean their ears stopped, Unilever would probably go bankrupt within a month.

Two questions: