I know there are times you can get a better deal on the car if you finance it. Then, if there’s no pre-payment penalty, you can pay the loan off right away.
I know there are times you can get a better deal on the car if you finance it. Then, if there’s no pre-payment penalty, you can pay the loan off right away.
Were you being sarcastic, or do you actually own a rust-free Jeep?
I don’t have one. To whom do I complain?
Mechanics should be paid for the number of hours they bill customers using the flat-rate manual.
It certainly ain’t New York.
I learned to drive on an old Ford tractor when I was 10 years old. I had to stand up to depress the clutch. About half the cars I’ve owned were manuals, but currently both my vehicles are automatics, because my wife can’t drive a manual.
If you can’t breathe while wearing a mask, try brushing your teeth more often.
How did you manage to register this? Or did you only tow it on public roads?
A rubber mallet. I had a flat tire once on my rear wheel. Couldn’t get the wheel off after removing the lug nuts I needed a rubber mallet to whack it with, but mine was home in the garage. Fortunately, the guy who so generously stopped to lend a hand had a mallet with him. Problem solved.
Completely aside from the old Ford truck (ND by the way), safety regulations made a big difference between a ‘59 and an ‘09 Chevy. If you had a serious front-end crash in a ‘59 Chevy, the engine would wind up in your lap and the steering column would pierce your chest.
It’s not pretty enough to hang on the wall in my den, and there’s no such thing as a cheap Ferrari, not even one that’s been serviced regularly and is in good running condition. This is neither. If the dealer selling it didn’t think it was worth fixing before putting it on the market, you shouldn’t think it’s worth…
I don’t really understand from reading this what your issue(s) was/were. Did you feel unsafe because people had a dismissive attitude toward COVID? Or was there something else? What did 18-wheelers do to bully you? Was there a specific incident that triggered a panic attack?
I’m fortunate that my health insurance does cover prescriptions, but it requires me to use a mail-order pharmacy for maintenance drugs. I’m diabetic. All of my meds are maintenance drugs—90-day supply. Some come in really large bottles. All of my meds go in my carry-on camera backpack, which weighs around 30 pounds.…
15 days to travel 4,000 miles? So, 11 miles per hour? Why so slow? Iran embargos can’t account for all of it. Are they building the line with worn out rails sourced from AMTRAK?
But, what does “geologically active” mean? Does it mean quakes? Tectonics? Molten core? If it means one or more of those, do all the planets currently recognized meet that definition?
Buses, garbage trucks, fire engines and snow plows don’t run 24-hours a day. Not saying others don’t need replacement too, but as a former municipal treasurer, I can tell you cop cars get more wear than any other vehicles owned by local governments. It’s not just the mileage either. Cop cars are often idling when…
If we scour the universe and discover there’s only us, or there are lots of others, all of which are close enough to us to allow inter-breeding, won’t theologians consider either of those two alternatives as evidence that God exists? In his own image and like that?
Mercedes drove a Smart 1,500 miles in a day? That’s 62.5 mph average for 24 hours. As someone who has driven between Alabama and New York as well as between New York and Florida (1,100 - 1,200 miles in a day), the first thing I thought was absolutely not on the east coast.
I’m always up for dicing some leftover ham to use in omelets.
The question doesn’t matter. Regardless of what the question is, 42 is the answer!