When I read the headline, I wondered how long the cable takes to cook a chicken, but you didn’t answer that question in the article. Disappointed.
When I read the headline, I wondered how long the cable takes to cook a chicken, but you didn’t answer that question in the article. Disappointed.
You are doing the work of the deity of your choice.
What is that strange color? Is it even legal to sell cars that aren’t silver?
If I sliced an engine in half and started it up, I’m pretty sure it would leak oil. A lot of oil!
Don’t arrive really, really late, and then complain. My late aunt, who was called that long before she died, was notoriously late for everything, including her daughter’s wedding. My mom invited her to dinner at 1:00 PM, knowing she’d be late and planning dinner for 3:00. She arrived around 5:00! My idiot mother…
There’s a beach about 100 miles from where I live where the authorities planted poison ivy in the dunes. That does seem to keep most people out of them.
19 - 50 minutes? Looks like an EV won’t win the Cannonball anytime soon.
That’s how much you need whether you quit or not!
Shift into neutral. It’s not the clutch you’re wearing out, it’s the throw-out bearing. Makes an awful squeaky noise.
I learned on a ‘51 Ford tractor when I was so young I had to stand up to operate the clutch. My dad drove a school bus. When he went to borrow my ‘63 Bug, he started it in second gear! I told him if he was going to keep doing that he’d have to pay for the clutch.
Since the Amityville Horror house became famous (or infamous), owners who came later painted the house differently, changed the distinctive fenestration, and even got the post office to assign it a new house number.
In defense of PR people, their clients are allowed to accept or reject the PR people’s advice.
Bring matches. I knew someone who died because he didn’t have any matches.
It’s also expensive. Very expensive!
I’m guessing rotten durian smells absolutely delicious.
Kia and Hyundai are made by the same company. At one time, Kia was clearly less expensive and its dealers were more likely to be accused of being sleazy. As a casual observer, it seems to me, more and more that Kia and Hyundai are competing in basically the same price class. Or am I misinterpreting that?
Who eats children on Thanksgiving?
I wonder what a list of everything Mr. Thaker has ever read would reveal. And, just to keep up with technology, let’s throw in a list of every website he’s ever visited. What say?
A purpose-built bacon-grease container? My grandma made do with a used tin can.
A purpose-built bacon-grease container? My grandma made do with a used tin can.
Kim is roughly 45 percent older than Pete, so maybe that does explain it. Oh, those kids.