
When you compete for a Darwin award by street racing, you’re supposed to be attempting suicide, not murder.  Plus, even if you’re that stupid, carrying passengers while racing is a whole other level.

You absolutely can drive an old Beetle 2096 miles without emptying the gas tank or refilling it either.  But you don’t need a Fuel Save or a Fuel Shark to do that.  You have to strap the car to a flatbed truck.

Goodbye and good luck.  In the next thing you write, please try not to bury the lede.

The purchaser should reply, “I will stop in if the price is lower.”

Meaning he paid for the vehicle while standing close to it.

When faced with that kind of answer to a question as reasonable as yours, I sometimes (pretty rarely actually, but it makes me feel better) get results with the following sentence.

Just to ease people’s minds, I received my second shot of the pfizer vaccine on March 9th, and as of this moment, Bill Gates hasn’t told me to do a damned thing.

I know nothing about them and their family history.  However, when two people are at odds and one of them does everything possible to shame the other, while the second remains silent, I tend to sympathize with the silent one.

Both are evil, but you don’t have to be a racist to be a Karen.

Wisteria, morning glories, English ivy, and bamboo. Where I live, it’s illegal to plant bamboo.

One thing wrong with politics in the USA is that too many people are willing to excuse things that are wrong if they agree politically with the person accused of wrongdoing. It doesn’t seem to matter whether the politician in the wrong is liberal or conservative either.

Many years ago, a friend asked me to dub one of his 8-track tapes on to a cassette. As 8-tracks tended to do, this one had a song that was interrupted when the player moved from one track to another.

Does the honey have to be frozen to give the person eating it the shits?  Or is it consuming a large amount of it that does the job?

It will never be my problem, but I do not understand why someone would buy a beautiful car like this and drive it an average of less than 70 miles a year.

I can’t help wondering what were the first two words the owner/driver of the truck said as he realized what was happening.

When my kids were in grade school, during Easter vacation, we’d drive to their grandparents place in Florida. Pick the kids up from school on Friday afternoon and drive to DC that night. the next morning, we’d take in one of tourist site in Washington. Cherry blossoms, Lincoln Memorial, etc. Then, we’d drive on to

Have used and continue to use bath sheets since I discovered they exist. Still, when comparing the area of bath sheets v bath towels to the cost of the two, bath sheets do cost more than the difference in are suggests they should.

They’re not ideal for painting.  They do stop anything from going through, but if you should happen to step in spilled paint, you’ll track it all over the place.  Better, if you want to be ultra-safe is to use a plastic drop cloth under a cloth one.

Let’s just say that one year at the NY Auto Show, I stopped at the NY State DMV booth and checked whether the vanity license plate “REALEMON” was available. It was, but I decided that plate would kill any chance of selling the damned thing, so I passed.

“I believe it was a wise man who once said, ‘Love hurts.’”