Sgt. Scoots

Dog owners who bring aggressive dogs to dog parks. I got bit, my dog got bit and now needs dental surgery (mean dog tore out a chunk of his gum exposing the root of a molar), and to top it off, the owners of the aggressive dog took off immediately. Police tracked them down though. Waiting all weekend to find out if

White Wedding by Billy Idol.
I hate it.

I saw them in a basement in East Lansing, MI once. The Ghetto Diaper, I believe. They were awesome. Heads Will Roll opened and they were great too.

The perps were tracked down by local PD. I just feel terrible for my dog though. He is a senior greyhound foxhound mix who has never been aggressive towards anyone or anything, in all of the time we've had him. For a big American Bulldog to just go after him for no reason was just awful.

The police eventually tracked down the owners. I live in a town of under 3,000, so I was able to give the police an accurate enough description to find them.

Nothing, because I got bit by a dog and my left hand looks like hamburger still. Also, my dog needs dental surgery because of the attack. Screw people who bring aggressive dogs to the dog park. Also screw them for immediately high-tailing it out of the area as soon as their dog attacks. Luckily it was up to date on

Okay. There can be two, but three is certainly too many.

Future Man? There can be only one and it belongs to Wes Anderson.

Ben Weasel sucks, as a human, but Screeching Weasel is pretty great. I'd say give Kill The Musicians another shot.

Moon Man is alright, but there are many pale ales I'd choose before it. Their Berliner, from the thumbprint series, is easily the best of the style I've ever had. Karben 4 didn't really do anything for me either. Different strokes, I guess.

Given the money that these beers are making, it is probably gonna be a while. On the bright side, there are breweries cranking out some well made beers of the aforementioned styles. These beers are really flying under the radar, while everyone is hopped up on overly hopped IPAs.

How do you feel about people on your lawn?

Frickin' danger noodles.

I just hit level 85. I'm assuming the enemy spawns scale to your level. Playing it on the "hard" difficulty setting. The fog slowdown is a little bit frustrating and there have been a few hit box hiccups, but other than that it is pretty good.

I just returned to Fallout 4. The Far Harbor content is pretty great. I keep dying repeatedly, which never happened when I was roaming around The Commonwealth.

Counterpoint: Bill got fired because he is a garbage person.

Just about to make my maiden voyage to Far Harbor, this evening. Pretty excited about it.

Shadowrun was great, but I don't think I ever finished it. Not sure that it was even possible, really. The newer PC remakes (Returns, Dragonfall, & Hong Kong) are all amazing too. They share a lot of DNA with the 16 bit version.

I met Gordie Howe once. It was awesome. Pretty great day, for 8-year-old Scoots. Still have his autograph.

I did brown butter-Miso roasted sweet potatoes at Thanksgiving last year. They were the very best.