Sgt. Scoots

I thought talking to him about skating was actually really cool. The music kind of speaks for itself.

My first deck was one of those Acme decks (a slick even!) with a terrible Rob Liefeld comic book graphic on it. Junior high me thought it was super badass though!

Throw in some Bob's Burgers & Arrested Development and I'm hovering right around 100%.

The era is never really specified. The cars are really old in every scene, but the guns are new. Also, Philly and all the other real estate agents had digital tablets on their desks, in this episode.

Bananas: the devil's telephone

I just read about it whilst eating some oatmeal this morning. Looks like it might scratch the Advance Wars itch. Warbits, for IOS, was alright but just seemed to lack a little something.

I hope Garmanarnar sticks around though.

As long as they go back to the traditional rpg elements that made the game great, I'd go for it. Sticker Star and Color Splash were missing a lot of what actually made the Paper Mario (and Mario & Luigi ) series great.

Was going to say this, but you beat me to it. So good!

I have pretty much loved everything I've tried from them. Really hoping they start distributing to WI in the near future.That beer they did with 12 different types of yeast was so good, but I'm drawing a blank on the name of it right now.

I love Wilson Phillips.

The only way Nintendo is gonna get me to buy a switch are iif any one of the following happens:

Recently signed up For Marvel Infinity Currently reading several X-men related titles. Mostly-X-tinction Agenda through the Muir Island saga. Moving on to the most recent incarnation of Moon Knight after that. Any other great storylines from Marvel, that I missed out on in the last 20 or so years? Would love some

Waiting for A Highly Unlikely Scenario or, A Neetsa Pizza Employee's Guide to Saving the World to show up from the library. The description sounded just bizarre enough to pique my interest.

Yeah, I'm sure it'll be right up my alley. Every time I see a picture or video from it. It makes me want to try it even more. I could care less about graphics as far as gaming goes, but man does it look beautiful.

Good 11:26 to you, as well.

I was considering grabbing that from the Playstation Store. So many games to buy, so little time to play them. Maybe this weekend.

I watched The Nice Guys the other night. I really liked it.

Not the Blind Pig! That place is so great.
