Sgt. Scoots

Medicine isn't helping my old doggy from having accidents. All tests came back negative, so vet seems to think it is a behavioral issue. I just don't know why he is having such a tough time, as we never have had a problem like this in the 7 years we've had him. We resorted to crating him during the day while at work,

Madison is fun, but it is still in a State with the most backwards governance/politics I've ever seen, and I moved here from MI.

So good, live. I caught them, in Milwaukee, several years ago and had a great time.

I skipped out on many I wish I wouldn't have, as of late. Dinosaur Jr. was the biggest regret. Considering going to see Jeff Rosenstock next month in Minneapolis, though.

That is a terrible move. I say this as a WI resident.

MF'in pumpkin bars w/ cream cheese frosting, yo!

Ed Begley Jr.
Ed Begley Sr.

You are both wrong. It was obviously Delí by Dalí.

It's a good beer. It gained its reputation in the days before everyone and their mother brewed IPA's. It might not compare to some of the IPA's other breweries crank out today, but way back when, it was tops. Plus, its ubiquity is great,in the Midwest anyway. I've been to lots of bars where the choices are

Words to live by. Well done.

One of my absolute favorites.

I just started this week too. I really like it. The load times are awful on the PS4 though. Come on, it is almost 2017. Where is my instant gratification?

<<<< This guy, my lovable doggy, is getting old. starting to have accidents for no reason. the vet put him on some medication to try and make him be able to hold it longer. We are worried that it might be something awful making him sick and really hope we don't need to put him down. We picked him up from the shelter

Right! I can go to the store and get 4 12-packs for that price.

Did you throw up on that person, after they made that statement? I would have.

That sounds really fun.


Keep your chin up. Could be worse, you could be a Leafs fan.

Leaky roof in our entryway. The roof was only a few years old when we bought the house. Has me worried about the quality of construction. After living here for a few years, I think the elderly couple we bought the property from didn't like to spend money fixing things properly.

I like the little Maritime I've heard. Where should I start in their discography?