Sgt. Scoots

How is the new Foals record? I haven't got around to listening to it yet.

Great Arcade Fire song. +1

Blaise Bailey Finnegan III - Godspeed You! Black Emperor
Wait Up (Boots of Danger) -Tokyo Police Club
Lost On Youth - Two Cow Garage
Animals - F.Y.P.
Eq45 - Action Patrol
Melee - Russian Circles
Sun in an Empty Room - The Weakerthans
Porno - Arcade Fire
Sour Grapes (Descendents cover) - Dooms U.K.
Sleeping the Terror Code - Q

I'm sure that is what it is, yet my brain went straight to caveman. Although, you can never be too sure when it comes to Avenged Sevenfold fans.

That episode was the best!

Upvoted for Staring At The Sun

Upvoted for TVOTR

I couldn't help but picture a caveman, wearing leopard skin and carrying a club, saying those words.

Made four jars of refrigerator pickles last night with garden cucumbers. Tonight I am doing Alton Brown's Firecracker Carrots (Gotta use up all these garden veggies somehow). I'm also planning on making an enormous batch of pizza dough tonight for freezing purposes.

Upvoted for Catalina.

Soul Meets Body is a fave of mine. Also, that entire album by The Faint is criminally underrated.

Contra, Snowfields - The Advantage
The Fez - The Dead Milkmen
President of What? - Death Cab for Cutie
Your Ex-Lover is Dead - Stars
Floating Boy [Demo Version] - Fugazi
The Yabba - Battles (I can’t wait for the new album & seeing them next month)
Thrills - Cake
Psycho - The Faint
Summer Hatin’ - Benny the Jet Rodriguez

I agree, with the exception of Codes and Keys, which is where I stopped with this band. I should probably give it a listen.

This week it's been lots of new beers for me from a recent trade. Heady Topper
and Treehouse Julius were both pretty good, but I'm not sure that Heady deserves all the hype it gets. I also have been drinking a lot of Surly's Todd the Axe Man and Bitter Brewer lately.

That is one of my favorite Beastie Boys songs.

Recycled Air – The Postal Service
Conroy – Cake
Boomin’ Granny – Beastie Boys
Arpeggiator (Demo Version) – Fugazi
The Days You Hate Yourself – Propagandhi
Back to the Sea – The Thermals
Roobot/Roboot – The Octopus Project
Mathletics (Live at Liars Club, Nottingham, Feb 10th
2007) – Foals
A Little Distance – Tristeza
Killed on

As another old timer, at the age of 36, I agree with this statement wholeheartedly.

I was just thinking about how much I dislike Sublime, while I was brushing my teeth this morning. These exact same lyrics came to mind. Actually, I take that back Robbin' the Hood and earlier stuff is semi-tolerable.

I like it.

That Death Grips song is awesome. They played in Minneapolis a month or so ago, I didn't go because I think I would be terrified by them live.