That's actually exactly what I mean by stepping up to be a hero. That had less to do with him being superior to Sephiroth or members of SOLDIER, and everything to do with his own determination.
Final Fantasy VII
The Last Airbender
Well, a very good job I'm not from the US then.
I could have read it that way.
"Learn your place women and minorities! White men are superior!"
OK, stop being snarky with the caps. Sheesh. Eldritch is making a point about how aggravating the episodes plot holes, pacing, and lacking characters were.
I keep waiting for the awning to fall and crush Homer's head.
Everyone knows this is the best episode of the Simpsons.
So, a 17th century #sorrynotsorry? Great job, you bastards.
"Hey you're dead, we feel bad, oops, sorry."- The Salem Jury
Dearest Citizens, Including Those We Sentenced To Death: