It’s the whole “I find this fun because I have no social skills, and because I have no social skills I can only conclude you, too, will find this fun” thing.
It’s the whole “I find this fun because I have no social skills, and because I have no social skills I can only conclude you, too, will find this fun” thing.
I mean, I always think health concerns should trump religious concerns for minors (I don’t particularly care what willing adults do). Same as my view with Jehova’s Witnesses (no blood transfusions), Christian Scientists (often fairly anti-medicine in general), Scientologists (anti-psychiatric care), and those cooks…
I mean know you can still clean it if there's a foreskin , right?
Nope she absolutely dominates them.
Wait, what? Pious? I do not understand the logic here. I must be devoutly religious because the idea of not mutilating a child’s genitals isn’t appalling to me? Your wife is horrified by the idea of a child’s genitals not being mutilated and anyone who in anyway is accepting that maybe some genitals are not mutilated…
I agree that it’s mutilation, but we should be clear that FGM is way, way, way worse. We’re cutting off foreskins, here, not the equivalent of the entire glans.
Well, in my defense, I’ve seen a lot of dicks in my life, so I’m inured.
Normal people: Isn’t it kind of weird that we’re just randomly lopping off dick parts without consent for no viable medical reason?
If you have foreskin you can just...wash your dick. You do know you’re still supposed to wash your dick even if you’re circumcised right?
I laughed.
Yep. It’s literal mutilation. And while there’s tons of religious and cultural baggage attached the practice, the reasons behind circumcision’s continued popularity in the (predominantly white, Christian) U.S. are extremely stupid. Namely: “150 years ago sex-obsessed cereal magnates thought it might discourage jerking…
Dude, it’s crazy, ever since watching the show she’s gone totally off the rails. Started half-peeling all the bananas in the house. Cut off all the hoods on my sweatshirts. Frantically tears off my socks whenever I put them on. But now...honestly? I think she’s determined to make sure that no penis is ever…
Right? If my partner was so easily disturbed by versions of my genitalia that differed in appearance than mine, I’d be very concerned.
And not everybody’s squicked out about natural bodies.
it’s called MGM and needs to be outlawed along with FGM
I’m just marvelling at Pink’s eyesight. How could she read that tiny text from the stage?
I certainly wouldn’t choose to be with someone that has such strong feelings in favour of genital mutation that the idea of an unmutilated genital is appalling. But that is just me.
The only thing Pink likes uncut is her cocaine!