
Davis should also have to pay for the five day involuntary psych hold as well because 1) that stay is expensive and 2) he took that bed away from someone else who legitimately needed it. 

This is the real issue with Care Court. I won’t say that it isn’t needed, because if you have spent any time around Skid Row in Downtown Los Angeles, you know that there are people wandering around down there that are not within shouting distance of their right mind, haven’t been for a long time, and will not be

It’s like that old saying - I think it goes, “one bad apple has absolutely no effect whatsoever on the whole barrel.

Let’s send Sinema packing to Fox/Newsmax. Would be delicious, Karenesque irony if she “replaced” Tulsi Gabbard as their token ex-Democrat.

I live in AZ. That rotten scum Sinema sends out her emails “touting” doing nothing for Arizonans and I keep responding how she needs to resign since she’s a complete me-me-me asswipe, but shockingly, it’s to no avail.

Best to throw Menendez to the wolves now. Need to replace him, Sinema, and Manchin as quickly as possible. There are a few other stragglers, but for the most part, can be dealt with in other ways. 

In fairness, Davis might be one of those “bad apples” that (despite a long string of previous infractions) was totally unpredictable and (despite all the assistance and cover he received from his colleagues) is totally aberrant and (despite many officers with similar cases) is not at all reflective of the force.

Always depressing to encounter people young enough to not remember Clarence Thomas’s confirmation hearing.

don’t worry, i’m sure the police union has his back.

HE should be the one institutionalized. The amount of rage and anger and resentment and just plain evil that exists in his mind to continually work on this to get back at a girlfriend because she dared to not obey his commands or something like that...

I’m thinking of four letters, arranged in a specific order.

is being held at Dauphin County Prison without bail after a district judge ruled there are no conditions Davis can meet to be released at this time”

Good.  A guy like this would absolutely be a danger to her if released.

Exactly, why can’t they frame this as a conspiracy against her in order to get the whole disgusting group? They were clearly helping him to figure out how to do this, not just “advised him” to contact county officials.


Any other troopers who were present and failed to stop Davis from assaulting and kidnapping his ex should be brought up on charges as well. 

He should be ashamed for playing the race card. But when you’re hiding half a mil and gold bars in your house I’m guessing shame went out the window a very long time ago. I hope some Latino leaders and organizations put him on blast for this defense. There is enough actual racism out there. This is not that. 

Ooh, Bob...

This is David Brooks, the man who is usually on the wrong side of history. No need to speculate, he did not tip and if confronted he will probably recite his column from memory.

One of the replies in that Tweet Thread said something like “Brooks didn’t tip because his waiter’s pants weren’t creased correctly” or something similar. So, totally...

Times opinion writers do this all the time: “this thing happened to me once and it explains everything” e.g. this or Friedman being like “my cab driver had a smart phone, so the world is flat.”