
How fucking dense is this author?


Shut the fuck up you dumb fucking cultist.

“finally”! “after years of delays”!

You’re projecting.

bUt StEvE jObS iNvEnTeD tHe IpHoNe In Is GaRaGe!

Unless you’re Abe Sapien, nobody needs a swimming pool.

I’m sorry for you but, no. We don’t.


The billionaire, meanwhile, was spotted Monday by the paparazzi on a luxury yacht in Mykonos, Greece. Ari Emmanuel, the inspiration for Entourage and brother of the U.S. ambassador to Japan, was seen hosing him down with water.

Article title within a month: Game Pass exclusives are bad for the consumer and the industry, actually

But what happens if the fishbot gets swallowed up by a real fish? According to the researchers, the little bot is made out of a biocompatible polyurethane that wouldn’t harm wildlife. Details of the research are published in the journal Nano Letters.

bUt ThErE’s A wOrkEr ShOrTaGe!

Experts? It’s just you and “your friends”! So I’ll let you make grand negative generalizations about an entire generation and I’ll keep thinking every person who works in HR is a dumb incompetent that licks management’s boots because those are the “real-world observations” I’ve made.

“I’m a Libertarian”
“I do my own research”
“I invest in crypto”
“Iwork in HR”

HAHA of course you work in HR you useless bootlicker!

Well, they should also be punched.

A collapsing birth rate is the biggest danger civilization faces by far

I just hate Alton Brown’s Sherried Sardine Toast from that episode for supper today. It’s my favorite of his and my favorite easy meal.

I started having this problem a few years ago and it turns out that in my case it’s related to motion blur. Deactiving the option has worked for me so far.