Sgt Jmack

I sure hope that not only these customers like their new cars, trucks and SUV’s a lot and that they are reliable because they will be so far upside down, they’ll need some serious cash to get out of it and into a newer one.

Consumers willeventually come to their senses and stop buying and then hopefully the manufacturers will make a car that is affordable.

I would wager that cypress would be strong enough, not swell when wet AND not burn as fast.

That’s not a sedan, but a specialty vehicle built with a specific use in mind. It is actually a 4 door vehicle with large tires in the rear to allow more traction. A sedan needs to have 4 doors and a trunk/boot in order to store gear/luggage. This does not have the trunk. It is not necessarily a pick up truck because

You’d be better off buying a Razor ev.

Nit all CPO’s have special financing.

Alloyd cars sold in the US are California compliant, it is the aftermarket that makes non California parts.

You need more hp to carry around more weight from all of the safety features and gadgets as well as the wiring harnesses and circuitry of the increasing nanny aids.

Not necessarily, the weight of the wheel material isn’t a major difference when compared to the weight of the tire material. Compare that minute savings with a much better handling of the car, then you see why they did it like that.

Not necessarily, the weight of the wheel material isn’t a major difference when compared to the weight of the tire material. Compare that minute savings with a much better handling of the car, then you see why they did it like that.

I think you mean keep the brakes cool, not hot.

Net Flix can, they have the money and power to do just that.

Hhopefully it will get canceled and Net Flix will pick it up...

That’s still sexy to me.

A little maintenance from time to time helps constantly moving parts continue to constantly move...

I’ve watched the video several times and I don’t see the dog getting hit by anything.

There is a major theft going on when packages are placed on front porches. This guy did them a favor by dropping the box over the fence.

Dropping a box over a fence to keep someone from taking it off of the front porch seems quite nice and civilized to me.

The guy didn’t target the dog, watch it again, and you’ll see that he simply walks up and drops it over the fence. Had he “targeted” the dog, he would have looked up and then held the box until the right moment, and then forcefully thrown the box down.

Seriously, the guy wasn’t looking over the fence, and if it did not the dog, was an accident and didn’t hurt the dog at all. They should be thankful he put the package behind the fence so no one would take it. Shame on these mean home owners.